Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Obama Plans to Surround Himself with Children During Gun Control Announcement

The Washington Examiner reports:
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced this afternoon that President Obama will unveil a “concrete package” of gun control proposals including assault weapons bans, high capacity ammunition magazine bans, and closing loopholes on background checks.

Carney said that the president will be joined by Vice President Joe Biden as well as children who wrote to the president after the Newtown shootings.

“They will be joined by children around the country expressing their concerns about gun violence and school safety, along with their parents,” Carney confirmed.
This is pure evil. Obama will be using the children as props to suggest that anyone against his gun control proposals does not want to protect "the children." Of course, the truth is that more children died in regions and during periods when gun controls were in effect than during any period when gun freedom has existed. This would be a more appropriate prop for the announcement:

Stalin's work in the gun controlled Soviet Union.

Hitler's work in gun controlled Germany.

(ht Travis Holte)


  1. it means He's Standing With (insert group name here). Rahm is very fond of it too, dragging black cops in with a bunch of black kids whenever someone gets hit in south Chicago, pronoucing much tougher action, this time.

  2. Will we see more fake tears?

  3. These bastard politicians have absolutely no sense of shame.

  4. Worse than even _that_ Rob ... is the kool-aid drinkers that still *believe* politicians when their lips move.

  5. if youre not in favor of assault weapons and magazine bans, then you are in favor of children being slaughtered in classrooms.

    1. Assuming you're not being sarcastic....Were you born a complete fucking moron or did you have to work at it?

    2. If youre not in favor of knife bans, then you are in favor of children being slaughtered in classrooms.

      Since that is what happened in China.

      Also, if youre not in favor of impeaching Obama, then youre in favor of bombing children with drones (this one actually makes sense)

    3. If you are in favor of obama being president, then you are in favor of children all across the world being slaughtered in drone strikes.

    4. I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic.

  6. Can children vote now or something or what is going on?

  7. In other news, parents plan to surround themselves with guns and "control" any godless motherf*cker that tries to harm their children. 'Bama advised to stay the hell out of the way...

  8. Wasn't this completely predictable? Who did not see this coming?

  9. Maybe someone in Pakistan can surround themselves with the children Obama has slaughtered in his drone strikes?

  10. The teleprompter must be on the fritz so props are needed.

  11. What an f'n sicko. This guy will exploit anyone and anything. Sadly, it will probably be very effective given our mentally shallow voting public.

  12. Guns don't kill people, Obama drone strikes do.

  13. Half the voting population are women. They don't think with their brains, but with their emotions, so such media tricks will work quite well on swaying their influence. Given it the nature of women to view favorably various schemes of nanny state totalitarianism, these measures will have a very strong base of support amongst them. No offense but I just had an ahem, very heated debate with my wife over this issue and none of my arguments seem to come through. It just doesn't occur to her that government seizure of the public means of defending themselves is a backdoor to totalitarianism, where human rights are nothing but privileges owed to us by politicians, which can be revoked at any time in the interests of national (i.e. government) security. Against this, any argument concerning public security just doesn't fall through, because an exponentially greater danger comes from criminals and psychos in the seats of power than from regular schmoes on the street. And given how depraved our political system has become nowadays, literally the only thing that's keeping politicians' (and their attack dogs) grubby hands out of every home is a well armed and well informed populace.

    Lenin said "you might not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you". Owning a semi-automatic rifle with a sufficient magazine capacity is the best way to keep politics from getting too interested.

    1. I know what you mean. Too many people are still politically correct bots to admit what you just did. You'll probably be shouted down with some politically correct insult or slogan.

  14. Obombya giving high-fives to the ones whose futures are threatened most by gun control - how ironically twisted can this monster and his minions get?

  15. "I just had an ahem, very heated debate with my wife over this issue and none of my arguments seem to come through."

    That'd be a good reason for finding a better kind of woman to be your partner in life.

    1. If you mean the kind that respond to logic and reason...sorry. That's VERY rare.
