Well absolutely we stand with Israel but what I think we should do is announce to the world – and I think it is pretty well known — that any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States.The full clip is here.
No wonder Bill Kristol and Jennifer Rubin have been saying positive things about Rand. They knew all along.
Since when does the U.S have a treaty with Israel making this 'well known'?
ReplyDeleteOh, it exists, the Israelis just won't let anyone see it. That is, unless you don't follow it.
DeleteGet it?
Anyone who was paying attention saw this coming a long time ago. Heck, Rand even penned a love letter to the Lobby before his victory in the 2010 primary:
Now cue the scrupleless apologists who would have us believe that touting select entangling alliances and voting for murder-by-sanction are just Rand's way of "playing the game."
For sure not a surprise, but what now will Campaign for Liberty be saying?
DeleteAny libertarians still in Rand-denial after this need to get themselves checked out.
ReplyDeleteI thought each state was supposed to have only two senators. Why does the 51st state have, like, 100 senators?
ReplyDeleteRand wants to suck Israel's dick like the rest of the neocon scum and idiot fundies. Rand....GET LOST!
ReplyDeleteThis is the primary symptom of the Neocon disease, treating Israel like the 51st state. Disgraceful. Reckless. Insane.
ReplyDelete"My precious, were is MY PRECIOUS?" Rand "Gollum" Paul
ReplyDeleteI gave up on Rand many dozen EPJ posts ago, but it still amazes me what a sellout he is.
ReplyDeleteBob, I'm surprised you didn't report on Rand's response to "if you become President Paul"...
ReplyDeleteRAND: "I like the ring of that"
Now why would a potential presidential candidate say something like that? Rand is starting to frighten me with such a public desire to run for President. As opposed to Ron Paul, who even when running said "I don't see myself in the White House", Rand can't wait to get his hands on the controls.
Now if he were going to be a libertarian in office, this wouldn't be so much of a problem, but every day that looks less and less likely.
I'm glad I didn't send him more than five bucks back in 2010...
I'm glad I never sent him or any other politician a single penny. That's not where our salvation lies anyway. Politics is a fools game. An idiot's paradise.
DeleteEspecially if they have libido dominandi. Rand Clearly has it. Ron didn't, and that, plus his philosophy, honesty, etc. is what made him so good.
England tried to guarantee Poland's safety in the 1930s. We all know how great *that* worked out...
ReplyDeleteObviously, Rand is setting himself up for a Presidential run. What I wonder about is, is he really this way, or is he playing the game to be included in the power club? Clearly taking his father's path would lead him to the fringe of the political circle and, so doing, severely limit his chances of success (because most people 40 and older hate freedom; that's why they vote R or D) in playing the political game.
ReplyDeleteI will never understand why he doesn't follow after his father (assuming he has the same core beliefs as Ron) because Rand is young enough to lead the cause for many years. Young people are thirsty for it. The way they respond to Ron is evidence for that. To me, Rand would find more success politically by leading the fight for freedom by inspiring young people, rather than catering to old freedom-haters.
Simple answer in my opinion is that he's a careerist. Which is fine in the private world but not fine when it comes to politics.
DeleteAll the clowns on this site who attacked Wenzel over his Rand Paul posts look pretty stupid now, don't they?
DeleteSome of his attacks are Rand were pretty weak though. Like about him quoting Milton Friedman or about him saying that lowering taxes could possibly bring in more revenue. I didn't have much of a problem with those things. Wenzel strongly opposed Gary Johnson who I still like. But now that Rand's coming out with 'I Stand With Israel' and has voted for sanctions and a big military budget it's obvious that he's a shill overall.
DeleteIn other news, rest of the world announces to Rand Paul - and thinks it is pretty well known - that he has his head firmly wedged up his ass...
ReplyDeleteAn old friend used to say, "The boys terminal, I mean terminal. Done plumb ate up with a case of the Dumbass."
ReplyDeleteRand Paul made a factually correct statement. An attack on Israel WOULD be considered an attack on US. He didn't say it SHOULD be treated as such. Some of you Anarchists can be so dense sometimes.
ReplyDeleteNo he is saying it should be treated as that, as he's saying that this is how it is and that he agrees with it.
DeleteAnon 9:19 gives us a great example if psychological projection.
Delete@Anonymous 9:19. First of all, step back and look at what you just wrote. Let the meaning of it really soak in. Got it? Okay, now scroll up and actually read Rand's brief statement. Take your time if you need to, and be sure to take special note of the part where he says, "[W]hat I think we SHOULD do is announce to the world . . . " Did you spot your mistake?
DeleteSome of you shills can be so dense sometimes . . .
At some point Ron Paul needs to address this stuff that his son's doing
ReplyDeleteAgree Dave..............time Dad stepped on his Son
ReplyDeleteYES, it would be nice if Ron could come with a comment.
ReplyDeleteRand Paul has realized that his religious beliefs clash with his formerly held political beliefs, and he has thus modified the latter. Rand Paul believes that the state of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophesy, and American money and blood must be spent to protect it.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't excuse statism, as libertarianism is fully compatible with such religious beliefs. No one is preventing Christians and others from using their own money and blood to support Israel.
DeleteI recommend this post by Pastor Voddie Baucham: