Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Senators Who Voted Against the 'Fiscal Cliff' Bill

The Senate has passed the 'fiscal cliff' bill by a vote of 89 to 8.

As CNN put it: Senators with eye on 2016 vote against cliff deal:

 Sen. Rand Paul

Sen. Marco Rubio

Sen. Mike Lee

Sen. Chuck Grassley

Sen. Richard Shelby

Sen. Tom Harkin

Sen. Michael Bennet

 Sen. Thomas Carper

Note the following did not vote. All others voted for the bill,
 DeMint (R-SC)
Kirk (R-IL)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)


  1. Replies
    1. Senator Inouye, who just passed away. I doubt his replacement has seated yet. Lame of DeMint & the others not to vote.

  2. There are only eight listed above as voting 'No' to the measure.

    I don't understand the comment about "With an eye to 2016." Grassley and Shelby, for example, are both well into their 80s, and unlikely to run again when their terms expire in 2016. Harkin, a five-term Democratic Senator from Iowa, sees his term expire in 2014. At age 75 or thereabouts, he would be too old to run for President in 2016. If at all, the comment only makes sense for Rand Paul, who could conceivably make a bid for the White House in four years.

    1. Excellent analysis! Thanks for being on the ball

    2. ...but Rand Paul is an idiot, so I wouldn't worry about him in 2016....

    3. GOP voters will want candidates with fiscal conservative principles, not those who sell out.

      The analysis here applies to Rubio, whose eye for 2016 affected his vote. For Rand, he would never vote for a crap bill like this, even if he had terminal cancer.

  3. 9th must be Bernie Sanders, socialist from VT.

  4. 3 Senators did not vote, 8 voted "nay", 89 voted "yea"

    I think that comment was referring to Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. I'm not sure how voting this way helps them though.

  5. Absolutely shocked to not see either Senator from Kansas on that list.

    1. My thoughts exactly. Was checking because I wondered that very thing. Nice of them to understand compromise for a change.

  6. 8 senators with the balls to stand up for principle.

    1. Too bad there wasn't more. But hey Boehner kissed Obama's butt and voted for it.

    2. What he finally did was his job. If he wanted to kiss Obama's butt he would have had the spine to stand up to newbies in the house who have no idea how government works and get them in line from the beginning. If they don't like government, GET OUT OF IT!!! And stop cashing the paycheck they did not earn.

  7. Lautenberg was real sick with te flu

  8. Patriots! These Senators truly care about the future of our Country. If our Government continues on the path Mr Obama and the rest of his Socialist posse have selected, we can join the ranks of Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain. Maybe the UK can return the favor and bail us out of insolvency. One good aspect of this spending bill is maybe the credit agencies will now have a good reason to lower our bond rating.

    1. What's next? Obama's push to change the Constitution to where he has no term limits? These same piss ants will cave in on that too.

    2. What is this term "patriots" code for because I don't think you understand the true meaning of the word as it was intended to be used.

  9. The three senators who did not vote at all (DeMint R/SC, Kirk R/Il, and Lautenberg D/NJ), WHY did they not vote?

    1. DeMint just got a $1 million/year job with the Heritage Foundation. It pays alot more than his government job.

  10. I've lost what little respect I had for Chambliss and Isakson. No guts, again. I'm ashamed they are from Georgia.

  11. How this vote would help this barrel of a holes with anyone except the loony right is hard to discern. Most people in this country will look at these dissenters as disloyal to the country.

  12. "with an eye on 2012"

    Chuck Grassley and Richard Shelby?? Seriously? LOL Are CNN's political analysts familiar with American politics?

  13. It would be nice if you reported news in a more accurate way. Both senators from my state, Virginia who are Democrats did not vote. If you look at the list of all Senators they are not on it anywhere, James Webb and Mark Warner. Now that bothered me at first but it may be policy in the Senate to not show up if you'll be handing over the reins in two or three days to a successor. I have no idea why Mark Warner wasn't there, no vote is not abstaining. Jim DeMint has taken a job and he is one few senators of character but I doubt you would recognize character if smacked you square in the face.

    1. Thanks for your insults and confusion. The official U.S. Senate web site reports that Webb and Warner voted "Yea" on the bill.


  14. All of you are idiots. Obama and thr Dems could have choosen to not compro$ise and forced taxed rates to expire on everyone. The REpublican GOONs who prevent anything from getting done had NO leverage.

  15. It is people like you that truly get the government they deserve.
    Go compromise yourself straight to hell.
