Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Unbearable Thought of Losing Her Magnificence

Tina Brown explains her angst:
The idea of losing Hillary has seemed especially unbearable at this political moment. It’s as if she has become, literally, the ship of state. She stands for maturity, tenacity, and self-discipline at a time when everyone else in Washington seems to be, in more senses than one, going off a cliff—a parade of bickering, blustering, small-balled hacks bollixing up the nation’s business. She’s a caring executive too, and that takes its own emotional toll. What a disgrace that John Bolton and his goaty Republican ilk accused Her Magnificence of inventing a concussion to get out of testifying at the Benghazi hearings. Bolton is not fit to wipe her floor with his mustache.
Yes, she is talking about that wise diplomat with unmatched gravitas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Caring executive? Her Magnificence? What, did Hillary help Mzz. Brown get an 18,000% return in pork belly futures too?

  3. So all of these people calling out members of the press who think that it was "coincidental" that Hillary gets sick right before testifying... will they express the same outrage when Hillary ultimately never does testify over Benghazi? Probably not... it will likely be old news swept under the rug by then.

  4. I would never wish death upon anyone, nor would I ever initiate violence upon anybody, but on a somewhat utilitarian basis, I sure wouldn't regret her death. She represents most of what I consider to be truly evil, and her actions have only been more than accommodating and reinforcing of this belief. Whatever good was in this woman has been completely lost on me (I don't see it).

  5. Fact: Whenever Hillary leaves a room, in her wake is left a strong scent of brimstone.

  6. " It’s as if she has become, literally, the ship of state. " - Sinking ship.
