Saturday, January 5, 2013

Training the Next Generation: Predator Drone Toy at Amazon

A friend emails:

The reviews are absolutely awesome.
My son is very interested in joining the Imperial forces when he grows up. He says he's not sure if he wants to help police the homeland or if he wants to invade foreign countries. So I thought a new Predator drone toy would be a nice gift for him. These drones are used both domestically and internationally, to spy on people and assassinate them at the Emperor's discretion. He just loves flying his drone around our house, dropping Hellfire missiles on Scruffy, our dog. He kept saying that Scruffy was a terror suspect and needed to be taken out. I asked him if Scruffy should get a trial first, and he quoted Lindsay Graham, Imperial Senator: "Shut up Scruffy, you don't get a trial!" I was so proud. I think I'll buy him some video games that promote martial law for Christmas.


  1. Acclimatizing future plebs. Awesome :(

  2. Folks, you gotta read these reviews. I marvel at the humor and creativity employed in writing them.

    There is hope for the future. These "little people" writing Amazon reviews realize that Washington D.C. is wholly unnecessary and destructive.

    I've never seen such prose laid down on an Amazon product, much less from ordinary Americans denigrating the state. It is hilarious and inspiring.

    I remember George Carlin's similiar take on this:

  3. The reviews actually restored a little bit of my faith in humanity. Perhaps we aren't as far gone as I thought.

  4. "The reviews actually restored a little bit of my faith in humanity. Perhaps we aren't as far gone as I thought."

    Same here

  5. 'Shut up Scruffy, you don't get a trial!'

    I actually laughed out loud. First comment on the review is good, too:

    Does scruffy only have "2 legs"?
