Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Glenn Beck Attacks "Fringe" Libertarians; Supports Rand Paul

Wow, the very curious Glenn Beck does some high praising of Rand Paul and attacks "fringe" libertarians. He says that "fringe" libertarians want freedom, but they are against those who do not see things their way. That's right Glenn, we don't think that Hitler should have the "freedom" to throw Jews into ovens. And we don't think, as apparently Rand Paul does, that an attack on Israel is an attack on the United States. Any questions?

(ht Travis Holte and John Duncan)


  1. "fringe"? How about the core of the whole idea of liberty... Political libertarianisim is an oxymoron - strees on the moron.

  2. That idiot Beck is the same guy who I still remember laughing at Ron paul and basically saying he was a nut job fringe guy for all his federal reserve talk back in 2007 on his old CNN show. Now he constantly runs commercials over and over about buying gold bc of the Fed!

    1. And commercials for the biggest hack ripoffs in the business at that.

  3. When Glenn Beck makes the assumption that HE gets to determine which part of the libertarian movement is the "fringe", you know you've seen the absolute height of ignorance wrapped in arrogance.

    He's basically STILL saying that Ron Paul was "fringe".

  4. When Beck apologizes to Ron Paul, and comes out and explains the root of libertarianism, the Non-Aggression Principle, and embraces all that the NAP implies, THEN he can call himself a libertarian.

  5. Glenn Beck is to Libertarianism what Lucy is to Charlie Brown when holding a football.

    I lol'd at Beck defining/misunderstanding stead fast principles as "weird".

    I know of no true libertarian that wants to force their views on anyone...they just don't want anyone forcing anything upon them.

  6. Beck and all his Israeli-Firster-Zionist-Nutter buddies like Kristol and Rubin (among many many others) are gigantic turds that needs a good prompt flushing.

    FU BECK! FU!

  7. beck simply can't gameplan his way out of a paper bag. hitching his wagon to rand? good lord this guy is ALWAYS at least a year behind...

  8. Bob, you are awake to the lies the government, military, education establishment, medical establishment, banking system, etc. and their puppeteers foist upon us.

    Read Butz' 'Hoax of the 20th Century' for the Mother of All Hoaxes (or, close runner up, to the faked moon landings).

  9. Actually if you look at this without emotion personally I see myself as an American. I fought for this country and watched as men around me doing the same thing lost everything. Quite frankly Mr. Beck, our policies, our direction and the whole system as a whole has failed. Correct? Look at the behavior of those in office. Look at the lack of moral courage. Look at how embarassing that actually is. I have closed my ears and opened my eyes. Braggarts require an audience. Ladies and gentlemen I submit that these people have failed. I have the courage to admit when I have. Finding anyone with moral courage anymore who serves the public and who respects the Constitution as they should is dang hard to come by. In order to do so requires the ability to respect something greater than yourself. These people lack that moral courage and integrity. Period.

  10. Beck and other libertarian frauds like Eric Dondero can go F themselves. Same goes for the paleocons and theocons who complain about Obama's statism while wanting their own brand of statism instead.

  11. I think if we could just abolish taxation a lot of things would take care of themselves.

  12. Operation: CO-OPT

    This guy is a fraud. He had A. Napolitano on his little television show a week or so ago, yet still doesn't get it. He is a fraud, as well as not very intelligent, but he's also dangerously narcissistic. "The truth lives here", Glenn? Once your little pea-brain recognizes that first principles must be UNASSAILABLY self-evident, you might start getting to the truth. Your "first principles" are houses of swiss cheese built on foundations of sand.

    Not that it matters at this point - since DHS is target practicing on images of ordinary people, I doubt it will be much longer... See you all in the gulag!

  13. Why is Economic Policy Journal covering the Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck? On a website that has "Morning Coffee with Murray," giving these two half-wits is an audience is really dumbing it down.

  14. Glenn Beck is in the entertainment business and he has managed sniffed out some emerging popular movements like the TEA and Liberty Parties and then running to the front to try to get credit. GB is actually a pseudo Mormon evangelist who has found a gravy train.
