Thursday, February 28, 2013

Politically Correct Food Stamp Hustling

Chris Rossini comments:

Government propaganda at its finest.....The managed to squeeze every age and race in there (including a native American)...and even threw in a woman in a wheelchair.


  1. They even have the native American sitting indian style. If you're like me and view just about everything coming out of government and it's media as satire, then this poster is hilarious.

    1. Agreed. I try to laugh at the state as much as possible, and this is hilarious.

      "If you're male, female, black, white, Asian, Latino, disabled, red-headed, wear your hair long or short, Native American, overweight, elderly, gray-haired, enjoy sitting, can or can't stand, dress up, dress casual, wear button-up shirts, V-necks, blouses, khakis, dress slacks, or sweaters, or own a pair of black-colored shoes -- you may be part of a protected class. Contact the government today, and don't let anyone deny you your right to a portion of their earnings. Call today."

  2. Hey YOU too can be a sponge... Find out if you qualify to be a parasite!

  3. Native American sitting "indian style." How racist.

  4. There is no white male in the picture unless you count the guy on the right whose skin tone is ambiguous. Are they trying to say white males don't go on food stamps?

  5. We've become a nation of moochers and parasites. Embarrassing stuff.

  6. What a beautiful rainbow of poverty!

  7. And they all dress better (and more expensively) than I do.
    And yes, I'm NOT on food stamps!

  8. Eventually, food stamp debit cards will be lucky to buy bags of dirt.

  9. Obviously, when you don't have to buy food you can afford some pretty nice clothes.

    I suppose they all have a gym memberships too if food stamps are making those using them "stronger". Wish I had more time to spend in the gym than I do now. I guess food stamps aren't making all of us stronger.

    Maybe I should go on food stamps too.

    Oh, that's right...I have self esteem and don't like stealing. Damn it.

  10. As long as they're going with the "Indian" stereotype, shouldn't they put a bottle of whiskey in his hand?
