Public Policy Polling with the results:
-52% of Americans say that dinner is their favorite meal of the day. 29% go for breakfast, and lunch brings up the rear at 11
-Coke beats out Pepsi 43/35 in the soft drink wars
-There's mixed news on the fast food burger front. Burger King wins best honors with 22% to 19% for Wendy's and 15% for McDonald's. McDonald's with 22% takes the dubious least favorite prize with 22% to 16% for Hardee's and 15% for both Burger King and Jack in the Box.
-49% of Americans have a favorable opinion of vegetarians to 22% with a negative one. For vegans it's a 38/30 spread.
-Overall 13% of the people we surveyed consider themselves to be either vegetarians (6%) or vegans (7%).
-Americans narrowly prefer pancakes (33%) over french toast (30%) with waffles finishing well back at 22%.
-Mexican food (69-22), seafood (74-19), Italian food (85-10), American food (91-6), and Chinese food (71-21) all get favorable marks from voters
-Subway (43%) beats out Panera (22%) and Quizno’s (6%) for favorite sandwich chain. Women (30%) have a much stronger preference for Panera than men (12%)
-31% choose Taco Bell as favorite Mexican chain, 19% go for Chipotle. More men (35%) than women (28%) like Taco Bell. 34% of white people choose Taco Bell as their favorite Mexican chain while Hispanics prefer Chipotle over Taco Bell by a 33-23 margin. In fact more Hispanics list Taco Bell as their least favorite Mexican chain (33%) than their favorite
-Pepperoni is by far America’s most favorite pizza topping at 27%, 14% say mushroom, 12% sausage, 10% bacon.
-65% of men choose some form of meat as their favorite pizza topping to just 25% who prefer a vegetable. Women were more vegetable-friendly, with 34% choosing a vegetable and 48% a meat
- Among voters with a preference, 27% choose wine as favorite alcoholic beverage, 22% say beer and 18% take liquor. 36% of women prefer wine over liquor (16%) or beer (12%), but men like beer best (36%) with 19% each for wine and liquor.
- Budweiser (15%) is voters’ favorite beer among the largest brands with 9% choosing Corona, 8% Miller, 8% Sam Adams, 7% Coors, 7% Heineken, 3% Busch, 2% Pabst Blue Ribbon and 1% Natural Light. Fully 49% of women say they don’t have a favorite brand of beer, while just 25% of men don’t have one.
-Most voters say they would not be willing to eat sushi (43-57). Many more Democrats (52-48) would than Republicans (36-64). There’s also a huge age divide on sushi palatability – younger voters say they’d eat sushi by a 59%-41% margin, and that number drops the older people get – those age 30-45 are split 48%-52% on eating sushi, among those age 46-65 just 40% say they’d eat sushi while 60% say they would not, and among those over age 65 just 29% say they’d eat sushi while 71% say no thanks.
Full results here.
I avoid Mexican chains, but Taco Bell would be my last choice. I suppose the same folks would say Olive Garden has the best authentic Italian. My wife recently made a great homemade dessert for a local fundraiser. She was beaten by what appeared to be a generic store-bought sheet cake. Not surprisingly, food tastes seem to be inversely proportional to obesity rates and dietary health issues.