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Below you'll find everything that has been published on EPJ for the week ended Friday April 5th, 2013. The hottest posts for each day are highlighted in red.
Most Commented Posts
- Understanding Scarcity with a Little Help from Ludwig von Mises
- Kinsella Crushed!!
- Is the Pro-IP Position Pro-State?
- Obama's Budget Proposal Will include Changes to Social Security, Medicare; plus New Tax Increases
- Lessons from Cyprus
- Is the Pro-IP Position Pro-State?
- Krugman: Obama to Cut Social Security Benefits
- Rand Paul Headed to New Hampshire
- Breakdown of Individual EU Member Guarantee Exposure to Cyprus
- Jeremy Irons Slams Bloomberg "Nanny State"
- State Confiscates 10k from Airline Passenger
- Warren Buffett Turns to the State to Protect His Press Release Business
- A Quiz for Anti-IPers
- Ron Paul on How The U.S. Propped Up The Commies [1988]
- When Jimmy Carter Sent Murray Rothbard Up The Wall
- Jeff Tucker and Stephan Kinsella and the Keynesian Mode of Argument
- The Advantages of Gold and Silver Over Bitcoins as Money
- Finally. Jack Lew Holds a Meeting
- Another Reason Obamacare Costs Are Headed Through the Roof
- Greece Sells Properties Including London Consul’s Townhouse
- An Independent Review of the Wenzel-Kinsella Debate
- A Harvard Economist Works Out the Equation for Finding a Wife
- More Crazed Confusion By the Kinsella Crowd
- Peter Schiff on the Stockman Backlash
- Why Bitcoins Aren't Money
- What's the Formula Stephan?
- Deja Vu: Obama Pushing Banks To Make Home Loans To The Uncreditworthy
- Intellectual Property: As usual, Rothbard gets it right
- Ron Paul Compares Korea to Vietnam
Wednesday 4/3/13
- Murray Rothbard Defines Government
- Understanding Scarcity with a Little Help from Ludwig von Mises
- The Gay Marriage Tax Trap
- The Eurozone Unemployment Picture
- The Great Farm Robbery: "I was going to raise beans."
- What Do You Get When Jeff Tucker and Max Keiser Double Team a Promotion?
- Intellectual Communists
- New Ron Paul Book on Home Schooling
- Jeff Tucker: I Don't Even Need a Brain for This
- Barry Gives Back
- Isaac Newton's Nightmare and Bitcoins
- Breaking: Bitcoin Service Hacked
- McDonald's Requirement: Bachelor's Degree, Two Years Experience for Cashier Job
- Ron Paul on The 2nd Amendment [2007]
- "I no longer refer to anti-IP types as anti-IP libertarians"
- Murray Rothbard Discusses Hyperinflation
- "Obamacare Cost Me Work"
- Rand Paul's Neocon Vision For The Empire
- The Disturbing Similarity Between Cyprus and Lehman Bros. (and the difference)
- Six Arrested in Bribe Probe into New York Mayor's Race
- Marc Faber: Cyprus Will Happen Everywhere
- Obama $100 Million Plan to Map Brain
- Notes on the Wenzel-Kinsella Debate
- REPORT: BlackRock's Fink Courting Geithner
- David Stockman: Ben Bernanke Is The Most Dangerous Man In US History
- Lew Rockwell on the "New" Ron Paul
- Hans Hoppe Issues Statement Supporting Stephan Kinsella
- Murray Rothbard on leftist Norman Brown and right-winger George Gilder
- Fearless Krugman Forecasts (1988 Edition)
- Report: Caroline Kennedy to Be Named Ambassador to Japan
- To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me
- Click, Print, Gun
- To Protect Connected Restaurants, D.C. May Curb Food Trucks
- Profit Column: EPJ versus Business Insider
- Initial Report on Debate
- Kinsella Crushed!!
- Maybe Stephan Kinsella Can Give Travis Holte the Answer
- Ron Paul: Get Government Out of Marriage [2011]
- Ilana Mercer Discusses Rand Paul on The Robert Wenzel Show
- Jesse Benton Strikes Again
- Countdown to the Wenzel-Kinsella Debate: 1 Day
- Is Paul Krugman a Neo-Confderate Racist?
- Ron Paul's Position on the Flat Tax
- This Week in TSA Drama
- LBJ's Great Grandkids Go Wilding in Rahmaland
- MUST READ: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
- Neal Farage on Ron Paul
- ‘I Recommend You Read Rothbard’
- Countdown to the Wenzel-Kinsella Debate: 2 Days
- Ron Paul: "The same thing will happen to the Federal Reserve as happened to the Soviet Union."
- Krugman: Lincoln Was a Big Government Interventionist Who Debased the Currency
- Rand Paul’s Important Concession on Guns
- How a Baseball Player Can Maximize Velocity When Pitching
- The Irresponsible Jeff Tucker
- How to Respond to a Bank of America Survey
- Howard Buffett's Easter Advice To Obama
- A Budding Lawyer Deals with a Salt Lake City Copper
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