At Freedom of the Press Foundation, we’re committed to respecting the choice of everyday individuals to support transparency journalism. That’s why we’re adamantly opposed to the extra-legal financial blockade of WikiLeaks, which was one of our original inspirations for starting the foundation. Since we launched, we’ve received a number of requests from Internet users to provide a way for users to donate bitcoin to Freedom of the Press Foundation.
After investigating the issue for some time, we’re very proud to announce we will now be accepting bitcoin donations on our site.Members of the Board of the FPF include Daniel Ellsberg and Glenn Greenwald.
I have to think that if the government is going to make a move against bitcoins it is going to be sooner rather than later, otherwise they will lose control.
> otherwise they will lose control.
ReplyDeleteThey've already lost. The only way to physically stop Bitcoin is to shut down the net. If they shut the net down, everyone suffers including banks. If they allow Bitcoin to continue, wealth will become more decentralized and power won't rest with the banks anymore.
They've lost. Checkmate. They just don't know it yet.
This BTC worship is irrational. As Bob has stated, you can kill BTC by killing the exchanges. If you cannot convert to currency at this point in time BTC becomes useless.
DeleteNo, wrong.
DeleteBitcoin is doomed.
It's very east to crush the demand of Bitcoin by prosecuting anyone who converts back into dollars for financial fraud.
The IRS will specifically start targeting businesses that accept Bitcoin. No large corporations will EVER accept a currency that competes against the dollar for this exact reason.
As more and more businesses are shut down, audited, and raided, less and less people will use Bitcoin because the usefulness will decrease, thus sending the price into free fall.
> It's very east to crush the demand of Bitcoin by prosecuting anyone who converts back into dollars for financial fraud.
DeleteThen Bitcoin moves to currencies that aren't connected to to governments that prosecute users of the currency. The dollar will be dead and buried if the Feds try to prosecute Bitcoin users.
> This BTC worship is irrational.
Incorrect. The faith in the power of the State to disrupt Bitcoin over the power of
the markets to free people is what is irrational.
This isn't faith in the power of the state. The state has a monopoly on the use of force. Unless that changes relatively quick and somehow legal tender laws get repealed, BTC is going to get smashed.
DeleteThe other, far easier way, to stop Bitcoin at this juncture is to make it basically impossible to buy bitcoins with fiat and/or convert bitcoins back into fiat. Bitcoins market is currently way way too small to survive that