Monday, April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher Has Died

Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died from a stroke at 87.


  1. lol....great picture.

    Hell just became a little more miserable a place.

  2. Why do politicians always want to be photographed driving military equipment? Perhaps we should put them on the front lines so they can really appreciate the experience...

  3. Mrs T was Britain's first female PM, and before her victory there was speculation that as a woman she would be too weak to stand up to enemies, hence the photo op and the invention of the phrase 'Iron Lady'.

  4. When Mrs T left office, govt spending as a % of the gdp was higher than when she came into office but she cut some tax rates, privatised state industries, and frequently spoke of in favor of enterprise and personal responsibility.

  5. "Thatcherism is all too similar to Reaganism: free-market rhetoric masking statist content. While Thatcher has engaged in some privatization, the percentage of government spending and taxation to GNP has increased over the course of her regime, and monetary inflation has now led to price inflation. Basic discontent, then, has risen, and the increase in local tax levels has come as the vital last straw. It seems to me that a minimum criterion for a regime receiving the accolade of “pro-free-market” would require it to cut total spending, cut overall tax rates, and revenues, and put a stop to its own inflationary creation of money. Even by this surely modest yardstick, no British or American administration in decades has come close to qualifying."
    — Murray Rothbard (
