Monday, May 20, 2013

Mitch McConnell Defends Government Spying on Reporters

Rand Paul's new buddy, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, during an appearance this Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press," declined to attack the administration for the DOJ's snooping into the personal and work telephone records of AP reporters and editors. .

"Actually, I do think these national security leaks are very important and it looks to me like this is an investigation that needs to happen because national security leaks, of course, can get our agents overseas killed," McConnell said.

When pressed by host David Gregory about whether DOJ's conduct in the matter should be reviewed, McConnell reiterated that he was concerned about the leak itself and said:
What I am supportive of is investigating national security leaks that endanger Americans around the world. Any time you're leaking national security information, if it endangers Americans around the world, it's a serious matter.

So much for the new face of "limited" government libertarianism. Liberty you see stops whenever you can claim "national security." It's always the Police State, before the state of the people. Who will Rand bring under the big tent next? Will he head to the House, cross the aisle, and proclaim Nancy Pelosi a FORP, i.e., Friend of Rand Paul?

1 comment:

  1. No surprise. Mitch has always been terrible. Just look at his voting record!

    Rep. Mark Sanford (Who Rand also endorsed recently along with Ron) sounds much better on the AP scandal:
