Monday, May 6, 2013

On Keynes

TakingHayekSeriously tweets:

Can't we just say it? Keynes was a bad economists b/c he didn't know much economics, eg he badly botched most all of the Econ he explicated.
Keynes badly botch & wildly misrepresenting the economics of Pigou, Bohm-Bawerk, Hayek & just about every other economists he discussed.
Keynes took one course in economics lasting 10 weeks.  That is the sum and total of Keynes's formal training in the science of economics.
Keynes assassinated the character of 19th century economists & like a Marxist suggested their character determining content of their Econ.
Keynes didn't understand the logic of production choice & shared Marx's fantasy that socialized investment would end the problem of scarcity
Failure to get the logic of production choice & belief that socialized investment ends problem of scarcity marks Keynes as a bad economist.
The American 1st attracted to Keynes Econ & who popularized it was a Harvard econ who believed in the crackpot idea of 'secular stagnation'.
The upper class, silver-spoon fed Keynes constantly attacked middle class striving & saving for the future from every angle imaginable.

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