Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Here Come The "National Service" Peddlers

By, Chris Rossini

Whenever the authoritarians see that government is not running as smoothly as they'd like it to, you can be sure that calls for mandatory (i.e. forced) "national service" will start making their rounds.

WaPo's Michael Gerson feels a little edgy about Americans "criticizing the National Security Agency as though it were enforcing the Alien and Sedition Acts." You see, the serfs are not supposed to question, let alone have a problem with, having their every move monitored and watched by the State.

So Gerson, looking for a panacea to this individualistic disease, suggests that "National service can heal a divided nation." 

One would guess that Gerson pines for the old days, where Americans were able to just get their news from their FCC-approved radio & television stations. The populace could get their dose of propaganda, listen to the national anthem right before the TV's went dark, and then get ready for another day of going to work for the taxman.

But times have changed, and with the advent of the Internet, the plebs are starting to think for themselves a whole lot more. They're beginning to notice that the great and powerful Oz is oftentimes nothing more than a few bearded professors seeking make the Earth, its climate, and all of its natural laws bend to their will. And if they happen to line their own pockets in the process (hello Al Gore) that's very satisfactory as well.

Adding to Gerson's plea, there's also HuffPo who says that "That a year of full-time national service should become a civic rite of passage for all young Americans."

One must ask: Are the government schools not enough anymore? Are the unionized indoctrination centers not fulfilling their duties? For we all know that it's their job to take a population of individual and naturally creative children, and turn them into good "citizens":

What's the problem?

Why the need for another year of forced "national service"?

Is the in-born curiosity, and burning desire to know the truth, starting to sprout again? Is too much of it breaking through the tar of government propaganda?

Does the government need Americans for another year to mow it back down?

Humans are "serving" other humans, all over the Earth, every single second of the day. Parents care for their children. Friends lend a helping hand to their friends. And even complete strangers serve one another in the crown jewel known as the private marketplace. In the free marketplace, people of every race and color voluntarily and peacefully cooperate to solve the problems of their fellow man.

All legitimate service is voluntary. It requires no force, and surely no theft of money from one unlucky American to give to another.

The State seeks to take the moral high ground by calling its activities "Service". But that high ground belongs to us. The State's interpretation of the word "Service" is equivalent to its interpretation of the word "Patriot" in the Patriot Act. It's a total fraud.

Individual thinking, creative ways of achieving a real education, and communication between people who were former enemies (because of the propaganda of their governments) are sweeping the Earth. 

May the State, and its slimy "national service" mouthpieces fail in their endless attempts to squash it.

Follow @ChrisRossini


  1. The Hillary Clinton campaign ad that appeared under your article (on my screen, anyway) was just perfect!

    And yes, all this shrieking about the need for "national service" just shows that the regime and its lickspittles know that they're losing control.

  2. Boy these bureaucrats and their minions are really trying hard to keep people from thinking on their own. Try as they may it will all be in vain! You cannot stop anyone from actually thinking or realizing that the situation they are in is not good.

  3. Millions of young men who don't want to be somewhere being forced to go there. Yeah that will shore up support for the State. They won't resent it at all. And the great thing is we can pay them with their own future tax dollars, since obviously we can't afford it.

  4. Millions of young men who don't want to be somewhere being forced to go there. Yeah that will shore up support for the State. They won't resent it at all. And the great thing is we can pay them with their own future tax dollars, since obviously we can't afford it.

  5. Millions of young men who don't want to be somewhere being forced to go there. Yeah that will shore up support for the State. They won't resent it at all. And the great thing is we can pay them with their own future tax dollars, since obviously we can't afford it.

  6. National Service? Sounds like an ad for the Hitler Youth.
