Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hit Piece on Glenn Greenwald

Naturally, it comes via a UK competing newspaper, The Telegraph, which didn't get the Edward Snowden scoop.

In the piece, The problem with Glenn Greenwald and the creepy cult that surrounds him, the columnist even admits he has considered setting up Greenwald with a phony story.

Creepy cult? They probably said the same thing about the followers of Jefferson, Hancock and Paine.


  1. Let the character assassinations begin! When they can't deny the truth, shoot the messenger.

  2. "the columnist even admits he has considered setting up Greenwald with a phony story"

    So, lets get this straight. He umm, wants to plant a phony story with Greenwald to discredit him and the "creepy cult" that surrounds him. Wow, that sounds like a skill set that the NSA could use. Or perhaps the President needs a new Press Secretary. Plenty of room in D.C. for another scumbag... (Fit right in.)

  3. Flak means you're over the target. Bombs away Glenn...
