Sunday, June 23, 2013

Israel Names Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International the New Central Bank Chief

File under: Serious revolving door action

Israel has appointed Jacob Frenkel as the next governor of the Bank of Israel.

It will be Frenkel's second term in the position. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the decision Sunday in a statement. The current governor, Stanley Fischer, will be leaving the position at the end of this month after eight years in office.

Frenkel, 70, is currently chairman of JPMorgan Chase International. He also serves as Chairman and CEO of the Group of Thirty (G-30).

He is also  a member of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the board of the Council for the United States and Italy, a member of the Investment Advisory Council of the Prime Minister of Turkey, and a member of the International Advisory Council of the China Development Bank.

 Between 1973 and 1987 he was on the faculty of the University of Chicago where he held the position of the David Rockefeller Professor of International Economics. Frenkel served from 2004 to 2009 as vice chairman of US bailed out American International Group (AIG)

1 comment:

  1. This post mentions The University of Chicago.

    I comment that that "educational" institution has been a hotbed of economic instructing of all types!

    The Merriam Webster dictionry defines hotbed as a bed of soil enclosed in glass, heated especially by fermenting manure, and used for forcing or for raising seedlings
