Thursday, June 13, 2013

US to Provide Military Support to Syrian Rebels

The Obama administration has concluded that Syrian President Bashar Assad's government used chemical weapons against the rebels seeking to overthrow him and, in a major policy shift, President Obama has decided to supply military support to the rebels, the White House announced Thursday.
"The president has made a decision about providing more support to the opposition that will involve providing direct support to the [Supreme Military Council]. That includes military support," Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Ben Rhodes told reporters.


  1. this is the stupidest thing yet; so are the al Nusra/al farouk brigades going to be supplied as the most effective units? or are western special forces going to go in with that stuff? If so what are they going to do? Operate out of the Syrian desert and lightly armed special forces aren't going to be able achieve anything against the Syrian Army, not without air power which Russian S300 missiles will create a no fly zone for NATO.

  2. The morons in Washington never learn from their mistakes and never, ever ask themselves what will happen if their stupid regime change actually happens.

    It's not as though this is a brand new phenomenon. The CIA has been overthrowing governments for decades. Think about Iran, Iraq, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, Cuba, Vietnam...

    The results have been catastrophic, with millions of innocent people dying or being displaced by power mad sociopaths exerting powers no human should possess.

    No doubt we'll see more of the same in Syria. Replacing a secular thug with radicals Islamists with ties to al Qaeda sounds like an incredibly stupid thing. No matter. We'll end up financing this insanity with money we don't have and can't repay for reasons no sane human being could possibly imagine.

    We are, no doubt, being led by idiots. The only question is whether our country's destruction is based on extreme ignorance or something more deliberate and sinister.

  3. President Choom has an uncanny sense of timing, I must say. How convenient for our Dear Leaders... just as scandals are breaking at home, they lob some bombs abroad.

  4. some have predicted the Syria conflict could escalate into WW3. Russia has been very outspoken against Western intervention in Syria. Have they spoken out about the US announcement other than claiming that the 'weapons of mass destruction' reports were false.
