Monday, July 1, 2013

The Real Kentucky Derby: Mitch McConnell to Face Strong Challenger

Alison Lundergan Grimes
Slate reports:
 Mitch McConnell's Kentucky Senate seat isn't quite safe yet: Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergran [sic] Grimes, a Democrat, officially declared her bid today to defeat McConnell in the 2014 middterm election. Grimes is quite popular—she was elected with over 60 percent of the vote—and has been urged by Bill Clinton to challenge McConnell[...] 
Unpopular as McConnell may be, President Obama provokes even more ire among Kentuckians, and McConnell will likely attempt to connect Grimes to the president and his party. 


  1. I'd love it if that p.o.s. lost his seat.

    1. that we may have another 'p.o.s.' to replace him?

      What other signs do we need to see that the system is a failure?

  2. McConnell will destroy her. He's not going down. Sorry RW. 2014 will be a big year for the GOP. They will be gaining seats not losing their leader.

  3. Glenn "Kane" Jacobs may run against him.

    1. Jacobs in in TN, not KY.
      don't look for him on any ballot.
