Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chris Christie Endorses Koch Brothers Operative For Senate

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie  endorsed Steve Lonegan , the former New Jersey head for the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity, for U.S. Senate today, according to Think Progress.

Lonegan will face Newark Mayor Corey Booker in an October 16 special election to fill in the remainder of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s term.

According to his web site,  Lonegan is a "strong supporter" of school voucher  programs, which do nothing but keep the selection of education topics in the hands of government.

He is worse than Rand Paul on spending. Rand is bad enough at wanting to cut only 1% over the next 5 or 6 years. Lonegan wants to simply freeze spending at current levels.

Lonegan also "supports a strong national defense," whatever that means, in the context of an empire.

And, thus, another problem with both Christie and the Koch brothers.


  1. Koch Brothers control CATO, and to a lesser degree Reason and the LP. And when you see Rand giving lectures at CATO, instead of Mises Institute, you can see the direction he is going.

  2. Also worth reading:

    — http://archive.lewrockwell.com/gordon/gordon37.html

    — http://archive.lewrockwell.com/gordon/gordon39.html

    — http://archive.lewrockwell.com/gordon/gordon86.1.html
