Friday, October 11, 2013

11 States That Have More People On Welfare Than Working

Via EverythingYouDoNotWantToKnow.

(ht Nick B)


  1. $30/hour for welfare. $15+ for minimum wage. Didn't Ron Paul say something about us carrying cash in wheel barrels?


    2. where do welfare people get $30/hour, not in CA. I am a disabled grandmother raising her grandchild and believe me I don't get close to that I get $2.98 hour. A lot of people on welfare are disabled and resining their grandchildren. and wick is wic and its just a little milk and cheese and eggs and stuff like that. trust me its not much. Also CA has the one of the highest unemployment and the cost of living here is crazy. So please know what your saying

    3. moving is not a solution, or even a possibility. I just was saying people don't get $30 hour on welfare and for that mater I don't know anywhere where mim wage is $15 per hour. I know a lot of people working three jobs just to get by on mim wage which is less than $10 per hour. they would love $15 per hour maybe they would be able to go to college if they just had one job that paid enough. but that's not the real world.

    4. Welfare is to help people like this lady who's disabled and raising grandkids, not for people who are too lazy to work. It's suppose to be a helping hand, not a career! CA is the most screwed up state. That's what happens when Liberals take over!

    5. Biblical isn't it?

    6. That's why there is no more money going out to a few states, they are planning to cut it off. All of the states paying more than they get. Think a few have already done it. They will keep the shutdown going until they run out of funds and cut all welfare, national guard and military will step in. Better go get a job because starting a riot because you can get our money anymore..ha..that's a joke!


    8. $30/hr on welfare..........NOT!!!

    9. Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000
      Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
      Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
      Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
      Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

    10. Stupid ass welfare people. Why not be productive in the system and actually get a job like the rest of the world? I understand if the one's on welfare are seriously mentally handicapped or if they have lost a limb, such as an arm or a leg, but there is no reason why someone can't work. I've seen mentally handicapped people even work. It's nice to know that even the mentally handicapped people have more respect than the ones on welfare. They are just dirt to me and to everyone else. They are disgusting things.

    11. Why are you raising your grandkids? Thats's what parents are supposed to do....unless they have fallen ill or have passed away!!! Welfare babies usually become welfare adults.....right!

    12. this is only true if you include pensioners and government workers as getting welfare. Your ignorance of obviously skewed facts makes you look like forrest gump...

    13. " A lot of people on welfare are disabled and resining their grandchildren."

      So're not telling me that there are more disabled people than working people in, say, California are you? I'd say only a tiny portion of these welfare recipients are disabled.

    14. Some you guys really don't know do you. You think just because people are on welfare are lazy or Stupid. Well when you lose everything Don't be going to the food places or Welfare See how long you can survive Without it. When your resources run out. Some the mental people I talk to are a lot More intelligent then what Ive read here.

    15. The numbers show either a) those who are "gainfully employed" and thus do not receive any social assistance whatsoever or b) those who receive social assistance, especially in the form of what we all know as Welfare.

      Let's figure out who those recipients are: Unemployed, disabled, elderly...the WORKING POOR...MILITARY FAMILIES...

      These numbers don't reflect the fact that the working poor works minimum pay jobs and still does not get by. Thus, if they are able (and in those instances, I encourage them!), they ask for assistance. The disabled generally have that right, as well, and well they should. In some states, even military personnel qualify (due to their base pay/family size) as "working poor".

      So bitch if you must, about how lazy people are, but realize who you're talking about. And by the way, if you happen to be Christian, and you're saying you're unwilling to help these people...then remain Christian. It'll make it easier for Jesus to sort you out from the Christlike.

    16. No one gets 30$ an hour on welfare anywhere. U made that up

    17. maybe if you raised the first round right you would not be raising the second round!!!! everybody wants sympathy for irresponsibility!! i've made mistakes but the taxpayers have never helped me with one dime!! it's called not being to stupid to reproduce!!!

    18. I work FULL TIME and I qualify for welfare benefits. Opinions are not fact even my eleven year knows the difference between FACTS and OPINIONS. I am also a full time student to better my self and to provide a future for my children. I

    19. Billions are being spent on corporate welfare because companies like Walmart won't play their employees enough so they don't have to collect medical aid, food stamps etc. Tell these companies to pay their own way and stop padding their bank accounts.

    20. Honestly I hope who ever thinks gov aide is for lazy people understands that most jobs do not barely pay min wadge and I hope to god the tru economy doesnt hit you like the rest of us where you loose your job cuz see how long you survive on nothing trying to support a family see how much help your ass gets when you have nothing your religous beliefs and affiliations mean very little hope you dont reap what you sew or hope you dont ever become disabled or become over the age of 65

    21. Don't forget the illegal immigrants who get assistance because they have a baby here. Yes, if you are not a US citizen and have a baby born here in the US, you qualify for assistance. SMH

    22. To those of you who do work and go to college, our bitching isn't about you. People living in roach motels (government apartments) sitting outside partying with neighbors from morning til night, never checking on their kids(moneymakers), while we pay their bills, for their food, beer, pot, cocaine, new car, and they never even try. That's who we are tired of. Why don't y'all realize that we lose about 1/3 of our money to federal, state, and local tax, but we still have to pay for our food, bills, cars, and we don't get free phones. We also are now paying for your medical insurance but can't afford our own cost. If you are too insensitive to understand that many of us work our asses off to pay others bills, never getting ahead, then maybe you don't deserve our help.

    23. Im a disabled veteran. I have 4 kids and my husband just recently broke his back at work. He owns his own company and we have been forced to get government assistance. Our monthly house payment including our utilities is a lititle over 1,108 a month. That does not include food or phone bills or car payment's or household necessities. We get $148 a month for food stamp's to feed 2 adults and 4 kids. We don't have any money coming in besides my disability check from the Army which is only about $2,300 a month.
      I haven't been able to work for 7yrs now and spending every day of my life struggling to even get out of bed really sucks. And I know my husband feels the same way.

      I wish I could work again but my doctors have told me to just accept the fact I will never be able to work again. So if yall want to call my husband and I lazy then please do us folks who actually need the government help a favor and go shoot yourself. Thanks.

      I'm so tired of hearing about how everyone on welfare is lazy. My husband and I are FAR from lazy but because of serious injuries that have permanently disabled us we can't work.

  2. Bob does that include unemployment and disability paymenyts?

    1. Unemployment and disability isn't welfare. ... hence, you call the unemplyment office for unemployment lol.

    2. wake up its politics!

  3. Perfect. I'm sure Jerry will agree, this ends the debate about what the correct minimum wage (sorry, "living wage") should be. Just peg it at, say, $5/hour above the welfare rate and people are incentivized to work. Ain't central planning great?

    1. Chris, that won't work. In fact, many people make less money on welfare than they would with wages, but take the deal anyway. Why? Because leisure time has value. Because waking up early every morning and going to a job you may not like can be laborious. Because your job may require business attire, dry cleaning, long commutes, a surly boss...

      It isn't enough to make welfare equal to an arbitrary wage. We need to eliminate the welfare state entirely. Short of charitable assistance, those who are now sitting at home collecting a check for doing nothing would instead have to get off their fat butts and contribute something to society.

      But such a system means no freebies handed out by politicians in exchange for votes. Government would be far smaller, the private sector would be far more vibrant, and we'd have a far more prosperous and peaceful society as a result.

    2. Or maybe its not minimum wage that should be raised, but welfare benefits that should be lowered.

    3. Or maybe you're an idiot and you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

    4. ....ooooo truth hurt?

    5. how can you say we'd have a more peaceful society if we eliminated social services like wellfare. Do you honestly think people will just happily starve to death?

    6. How can you say we'd have a more peaceful society as a result of getting rid of wellfare? Are you stupid? Do you honestly think that those people will just happily starve on the streets with no negative repercussions? You live in a fantasy world and your fantasy world logic can't be applied to the real world

    7. Welfare benefits are being abused by some but not all. and the true wage is around $2.80 hour. believer me people on welfare at least in CA don't live off of welfare and it has been cut to almost nothing. most people on welfare either live with family members, rent a room for a single woman and three kids to share in someone's house or stay in shelters. I am sure that is everywoman's dream. But in order to keep herself and her children safe from abuse that is what she has to do. The program is set up to help people go from a bad place to a healthy place. the program is messed up for sure, but not unneeded. doing away with it would put lots of children in the streets just because the mothers choose not to be beat anymore. This is one of the many faces on welfare. you only see the one who sits at home and waits for a check. That does not make up the real face. more of them are as I described. Is that what you really want to do. make them stay with a abuse partner and then when she is dead say, "Why did she not leave him." That's the real world you have no idea what its like to live in and until you do stop about something you know nothing about.


    9. Ok I was both ways and I can tell you the marks you see heal quickly but the ones you don't stay for a long time. sometimes a life time. you are either a mental abuser or you have no clue how it hurt you and your kids for generations to come. it takes a lot of work and time to heal all the abuse you cant see. you know its worse then the physical abuse. It destroys your life, and makes the children of today so violent. they see the mental abuse and even if you never raise a hand to your woman, they see. when they grow up mental abuse may not be all they do, or their kids. then someone of them kills the other. you created that by your mental abuse. Stop thinking that mental abuse is not abuse, It is. it is the seed to something much bigger then you can image.

    10. Nov 1st all the states will run out of funds for welfare. Going, Going, Gone. Some already cut it off. I think it's the best thing Obama has done and blaming House speaker... Bluff you free loaders into thinking you would live forever on free money.

    11. FDR created the welfare program to help get through the great depression. It was not meant to keep going and going. I have been a single mom, homeless with my child and on food stamps. I NEVER got cash assistance....why, because I busted my butt to get and keep jobs so I could support myself and my child like I was supposed to do as a parent. This crap about minimum wage is lower than welfare is just a cop out, an excuse to not go out and work. What do we think the parent before welfare came along did? The answer is not in fixing the program, keeping it or getting rid of it; the answer is in ourselves. Before welfare, extended families actually took care of each other. You had 3 sometimes 4 generations of a family living in the same house and those who had jobs pooling their money to support the household. Employers actually kept on folks who weren't performing top notch after years of service just to show their employee the same loyalty the employee showed them all those years. That doesn't happen anymore either. Our society has gone from a close knit community to everyone looking out for number one and screw everyone else. We've lost sight of the benefits that only a close knit community can give us and now have a bunch of looking out for number one folks going to their therapists saying what went wrong. Ummm, pretty obvious folks. Yes, we need less government but we will never get that until people stop looking out for just themselves and start looking out for everyone.

    12. very well said and true!

    13. Actually... If a person is receiving all forms of welfare... including section 8 housing, having utilities paid for, food stamps, WIC, cash assistance, "obama phones", Medicaid.... it adds up. Soo... $2.80 an hour? not so much....

    14. There goes the sob story again of women abused by men and therefore in poverty. It's a lie. There is so much nonsense propaganda about supposedly all violent men. That's nonsense. Most women who whine about being abused are abusers themselves. If its not all a lie made up to justify their irresponsibility breaking up the family or never trying to find a good man.

      The truth is that women are being irresponsible and the welfare state allows them to. It starts with objectifying themselves sexually for ego boost, picking the worst men possible because they can and carry no responsibility. Once pregnant they can switch into victim mode. Blame the man, but in reality these egocentric entitled bitches are impossible to live with.

      Another large amount of women are those who divorce after 4 years because they want to sleep with other men. They sue for child support or make false allegations, whatever floats the boat. After that they cry victim and "poor mother with children" sympathy. Meanwhile giving a damn about her children so they grow up without any structure and guidance. If women get their way they drag civilization down into Ghetto culture, which is really stone age culture.

      Society, of course, buys the lies and blames the men.

      Enough pandering to lying women. Women were never oppressed by the way, it's all hysteric mythology to get more privileges. If society wants to become strong again and a land of liberty, it is time to stop listening to women whining and complaining, have no state-ordered sympathy for the result of irresponsibility so that women will learn (the hard and only way) to actually do their measly little share in the project that is society, which is to respect men without whom they can not live a decent life.

    15. People on Welfare are burdens to society and make every kind of excuse not to work, I know for a fact people on welfare eat better than the working man, I could stop you out in a crowded store with a cart full of groceries, I see it every day, all day, because I, unfortunetly, work at a major retail store

    16. Agreed that people on welfare are a burden to a great extent. I don't want to see it all gone, as some people need help. However, all these programs we are paying for but none let you work for them or train you to do a job? That's moronic. Some people need it. Like this waitress I know. Her husband was killed in a motorcycle crash. She was a stay at home mom. Now she's single with 2 kids and works waiting tables from 10am-10pm except Sundays. She works but struggles. Her kids have Medicaid, and she gets food stamps. People like her are the reason I don't object completely. However, some serious reform needs to be done.

      With every new program and every new participate, we have more tax taken, but more federal jobs created to take the addition tax and to distribute it. With the welfare going to 62% black and Hispanics, but whites are 67% of the population, something seems off.

  4. I bet all those states voted for obama too

    1. This Mississippian did not! My husband and myself work to try to make ends meet! My two oldest are out of college, one married, both working and doing the same.

    2. @ Gong Farmer, South Carolina is a RED State! Most of us here in SC HATE that Murdering wonna-be-Master...

    3. Here in Illinois it's so sad. It takes both of us to keep things going but when you look around it's depressing. Everyone is on some kind of government help and whats even worse is that they expect it. My better half has started saying he has to work to work twice as hard for the people in line in front of us buying steaks and talking on their phone. Illinois has like 50 some counties and only 2 elected the POS. I truly worry for our grandchildrens future. There won't be one at this rate. When are people going to understand that getting something for nothing is costing somebody.

    4. Actually those are mostly red states. Red states use more federal assistance and continue to be bullied into voting for republicans because of their racism.

    5. There are 7 blue states and 4 red states, unless 4 > 7 They are mostly blue, but if you account for population they are still blue.

    6. "Actually those are mostly red states. Red states use more federal assistance and continue to be bullied into voting for republicans because of their racism."

      The only definite red states listed in the map are Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina. New CA, IL, and NY are blue states with Ohio / Maine / New Mexico / Kentucky can go either way and have all flip-flopped between D and R over the years.

      As for the red states like Mississippi, your comment about racism is ridiculous as it is not quantifiable. You have no proof of your assertion and frankly it says more about you (negatively) for pulling out the race card and maligning an entire group of people who live there because the state itself is "red". You have no data on race being an issue in voting and no data on the welfare recipients in that state in terms of how they vote.

      Basically you are a low-information liberal moron and part of the reason why our country is bleeding from a thousand cuts.

  5. Two main contributing factors for MS is the overwhelming amount of welfare fraud and the fact that we are a homestead state which means people over 65 or disabled get HUGE discounts on property taxes. I'm assuming that the stats include people getting SSI and either medicaid or medicare??

  6. I live in Ohio and have unemployed 2 adult sons, with family, living with us. We are on SS disability, do not qualify for food stamps because they will only consider my husband and myself as household members. The son with wife and child applied for food stamps and got them even though they had absolutely no income and were unable to pay their rent. Thus, hubby and I carry all bills, mortgage, everything. We of course do not get to use any food bought with THEIR food stamps.
    Finally the daughter-in-law found a job. Making something in the neighborhood of $7.50/hr. They can finally pay their rent! YEA! NOT... the food stamps were cut in half. They can't get a place of their own, they can't help hubby and I pay the bills we do not make enough money to cover and there continues to be how many thousands of people who don't even try to work getting $30/hour in cash and other benefits? This country is truly @#$ked up!

    1. They're low-quality people who don't pull their own weight. They don't deserve help or free money. They deserve to be unemployed and homeless because that's what they've earned.

    2. Our daughter (my step-daughter)came to stay with us a "Short time". Her son who was 16 at the time went to stay with his dad. She was getting FS, didn't work, didn't try to work, gave her stamps to a buddy of hers as she sat in our living room stuffing her fat face with our food. One month into it. We showed her the door. Haven't talked to her in four years. Best four years ever. She still is living off of people. Went around town telling lies about us, which no one listen to, it's sad. She was raised by her mother who was just like her. It makes me sick to see how lazy people are becoming.

    3. A 3family house hold gets 500 if on cash assist and 500 food stamps if completely unemployed no income... that is fsrrrrr from 30 bucks an hour where u got thst figure at is in dream land thats less than min wage a thousand bucks a month for a. Fam of 3-4 !!! Thsts not even enough to buy toiletries for the month!!!! Let alone bills or rent!!!! Yrs ppl abuse it but they do because itd mineal and u cant live off of it even if u had a job with min wage... what about gas for a vehicle to get to work or a bus ride??? Child care??? So that min wage job whivh if u have ut benefuts are cut in half if not more... so thst psys for ummm nothin u work to put gas in ur car and child care just to pay for only those things to do it the next day u font grt out ob top whstsoevet unless ur of color and sellin lots of drugs... only way to be abusing the system.... js...

    4. color has nothing to do with it. lots of white people sale drugs too. there are always going to be people who abuse the system, but there are far more of them that don't and just want some help getting a leg up so they can support themselves, or need help at the moment but not long trem. CA has a 48 month time limit and during that time they train you for a job of their choosing, but you cant study because all the things they say they will help you with, books, childcare, transportation , they make you spend all your time fighting for what you need to succeed. The system is good but flawed. after 48 months the adults get cut off and you only get for the kids which is way less then $500 for a family of 3 and I done know any family of 3 getting $500 food stamps. the only way you get that much is if you get no cash. most family of three get maybe $380 a month in CA. the system we currently have is not working, but doing away with it all together is not the answer. fixing it for real and really helping these people get on there feet learn a trade, maybe one they like to do not what the system things everyone needs to do, and just help them, not make them spend all there time fighting for what you said they can have. if you miss classes all the time because you don't have daycare or books and no way to get to school what good is the schooling?

    5. Apparently it makes a difference what State a family lives in. In my state, in my city, the cash assistance isn't much but food stamps for families with children seems high to me when I received them. Local churches give away food and clothing. Local church groups offer assistance to people for rent, mortgage and utilities once you have proven you are going to be kicked out or shut off and cannot get government assistance. All folks have to do is open their mouths and start asking, forget about the embarrassment of it and get it done. The clothing give away helps with clothes for work. So many ways other than car or bus to get to work such as car pooling, riding a bike, walking. A fella who lives in my son's home rides his bike for miles to get to work, even in the snow. Someone my brother used to work with rode his bike 20+ miles to get to work, even in the snow. I used to walk to work. My son and I would walk to the food bank dragging his little red wagon behind us to carry back the food. There are so many programs offered by churches and national charities like Salvation Army, all you have to do is a little work to find them. Usually, once you find one and start talking to them, they tell you about others. It all comes down to one thing, get off your butts and do something. Our government offers free cell phones yet I work and can't afford a cell phone and don't qualify for the free one.

  7. I knew CA was the biggest state for welfare and how much of that is welfare fraud? They don't check. One woman got caught several years ago. She was claiming under several names. Drove a beautiful Cadillac and had an SUV. BEAUTIFUL home in an expensive neighborhood. Claiming a total of 11 kids or more on the different welfare accounts she had. Did this for many years before finally getting caught.

    1. So rampant in this nation. Needs to be more checks and balances.

  8. Those people make it harder for people like me. Single mom who's daughter drowned 3 years ago. I had to give up everything, work, retirement, savings, car, even some furniture and all my jewelry to stay home and take care of her because I could not afford to pay for a nurse. She gets $272 a month SSI (that is what her father and I worked for) and $240 Food stamps.... that is all. The rest of our income come from other family and child support. So I have no clue how people live on welfare, but those of us it was meant for that need it don't get it. Then we get less when they lower or government cuts. I don't see anyone getting rich or living happy on the system.

    1. My heart breaks for you. I cannot imagine your pain, or how hard your loss has been. In a fair and just world you would have a community of friends, neighbors and family that would have enough extra money to help you. The fact that the government steals most of that excess money makes me sick.

  9. My neighbor (on welfare) tried to sell me some food stamps!

    1. Troll FAIL!

      All "food stamps" (aka EBT SNAP) have been on a "credit" card for years. You can't "sell" "stamps", only offer food in return for cash.

      If I'm wrong, please elaborate.

    2. She prolly tried to sell fs to gey cash to put gas in her car to get to work this is the reality of that situation look past ehay u think quit judging ppl... thrre are reasons for these situations... unless ur a druggie or DEALER.....

    3. Rick Fitz, there is a huge black market for EBT cards. Turfs sell them to scums for instant cash. Scums use the cards or resell them.

    4. Fitz, you're an idiot. You can loan out the card and pin number in exchange for cash.. if not accompany you to the store. It is a huge black market as stated above by another.

  10. Wow, I'm just glad to see that Arkansas ain't one of the states!!! LOL

  11. Stand outside a WalMart grocery store - you'll find someone happy to sell you food stamps.

  12. The welfare state is a complete mess. There are people that do need assistance but cannot get it, then there are those that stand in line with their nice steaks and sodas and extras talking on their cell phones that pay with their food stamp card. It is these people that tick me off that need to be tossed off of the system. P.S. I work for a living as does my wife and we get nothing from the government and are tired of paying for these jerks that get there freebies from my tax dollars

  13. To 10/11/2013 7:49 PM


  14. Disability was taken out of my check for 45 years. It is mine I paid for it as I did my SSI. These are not entitlements. Welfare , food stamps Wic, and housing assistance are entitlements. Get a F**king clue.

    1. Friend - I'm empathetic to your plight as a fellow payee, but according to our federal betters who proclaim such things, SS is a taxing transfer scheme to which we are in no way entitled. (Hint: Google 'Fleming v. Nestor' and 'Helvering v. Davis')

    2. Wrong. It was taken out of your paycheck to give to pay those that were receiving SSI and Disability. It is not yours because the Supreme Court has ruled TWICE that it is not yours.

  15. You should know something is wrong when a grandparent get's a check from the government to babysit their own children or grandchildren. I've seen a 50 year old man on welfare, his 33 year old daughter on welfare, her 16 year old daughter on welfare with a baby. Does anyone else see a damn problem here?

  16. About 2 years ago I lost my job and went on food stamps for about 6 to 7 months well looking for work. When I was finally employed again I called to cancel my stamps. And they told me I didn't make enough to cancel them. I said I don't need them and was told they can't cancel them until I make over x amount a month so I worked on getting another job. And again tried to cancel this time by not filling out the forms they send you yearly. They still gave them to me. So I just didn't use the money and left it on the card. 330 days into me not useing the money they sent me a leter telling me to use the money. So yes things need to be checked.

    1. WOW.... What state is this? PLEASE reply

  17. Look at the 80's gone up 3-5 times depending what it is. Companies dont care. Government dont care. So we get fxxked. The hard working people anyways. It's long over dew to take back AMERICA .IM WORIED ABOUT MY KIDS.

    1. The dollar is worth about four cents currently. This is because our fiat currency system and the monopoly on our money controlled by the federal reserve banking cartel. If you don't understand what I'm saying go to YouTube and search for 'Mike Maloney The Hidden Secrets of Money'. It's four videos and will be the most informative two hours you've ever experienced I promise :)

  18. I would much rather see the grandparent babysitting there own grandchildren and getting paid for it then sending them to a daycare and paying for the children to be abused. daycare has to be paid. who its paid to should not mater. so the grand parent living on SS gets a few extra $ that would other wise go to a day care. it dose not cost more money, it save money because the grandparent gets paid a lot less then the day care. for example a day care may charge $1500 month for three kids to go there so the parent can work. the grandparent get maybe $600 to $800 a month. that just saved the state between $700 to $900 for the parent to go to school. I know someone who did that and they are now not on wail fare, and working supporting 3 kids one of which is severally disabled and just buying their first house. and guess what, the kids were not abused by a daycare. its a win win. so lay off the grandparents helping keep kids safe and saving the states money. I am sure if they did not need the money they would not be getting paid for daycare.

  19. I live in Broome county ny about a 4 hour drive from new york city. Broome county is a dumping ground for surplus nyc area welfare recipients. They can't fill houses fast enough to replace all the skilled and educated who have fled along with their jobs. We pay extra taxes and fees that go straight to nyc and in return they send us their drug dealers. Many of the few remaing tax payers here work full time jobs with out health care and over 90% are drug tested because of ny's strict labor laws. The tax users have recently out numbered the tax payers here and I personaly can not stand paying for some 'where da party at' scum bag when I have to explain to my kids why we can't stuff our grocery cart to the ceiling with steak and shrimp like the fat drunk lady next to us who's wearing dirty pink sweat pants and loudly swearing at her kids in her brooklyn accent. Just keep adding more social programs ny, I think that for every tax payer that's left this area there's 10 more that want too. What is ny going to do when they
    run out of tax slaves? As it is now you can't wipe your ass without paying taxes, fees and surcharges.

  20. very sad what the us has come too


  22. Just a general thought...Isn't it a shame, that women on welfare who want to better themselves for their families may not be able to take advantage of better paying jobs because public transportation may not reach those areas?

  23. Just a general thought about welfare...Isn't it a shame that women on welfare who want to better themselves for their families may not be able to get to better paying jobs because public transportation may not reach those areas?

  24. I think if you want kids you should get a job first instead of us hard working people feeding you every month because if it wasnt for us tax payers that money wouldnt be there for you to have. And another thing I cant stand why are we paying for the criminals in jail and prison we should just let them sit there until they die its less we have to feed we have to feed people that are going to be there for life get rid of them noone needs to feed them thats for everyone thats feels the same why I do

  25. don't know if any of you believe in JeSus it not,but,if any of you think that you are and you have condemed any of these poor people on welfare,then you have judged them,GOD says give to those who are in need,what you all do or say against another is the same as you done it to JeSuS.So if you are against helping those in need,than you are also against him.So selfish and greedy are those whom are heartless in they're ways,you are like a sharp sickle in the belly of the needy,children cannot work,GOD days man shall work 6 days and rest on the seventh.he does not say woman"So ,all of you who have judged these poor people who have nothing ( homeless ) who will die in the streets because of your greed ,and jealousy,you have condemned your souls and turned away from GOD ,If you give to those in need,you have also done this for JESUS. Food,water,clothing,and shelter,that's all I have to say.

    1. just came across your comment. i wanted to let you know i am a christian and i read in the new testament where the apostle paul tells us if you dont work,you dont eat! i understand that there are situations where that is not possible but paul was speaking to the able-bodied. paul also says in the book of collosians that we are not commanded to observe the sabbath in the same way they used to. right is right and wrong is wrong. and when you have been blessed with your sight,your health,your arms,legs,hearing, all from the creator almighty God and you choose to have someone else take care of you well....i dont have to judge you,he promises that he will. i did not mean to be offensive but personal accountability is necessary if we wish to continue as a nation. in the words of john f. kennedy.....ask NOT what your country can do for you,ask what YOU can do for your country.

  26. I say this have nothing against undocuments but they are the ones that are abusing this system because they get welfare and at the same time they are working under another name..I live in CA. And yes its crazy how much people that do that and dont report it. I agree that welfare drug test their clients and that the clients are put to work maybe CA. Would have less unemployment..

  27. I don't mind helping people trying to provide for their family but can't make ends meet. I just don't like how the government is not limiting how many kids they could have. If your physically capable of working you should not be on full blown benefits. I would also like to see drug testing of receprients, the working people have to take random drug test so welfare people should have too also. If they are on government assistance they shouldn't have money for drugs and shouldn't have nothing to worry about.

  28. Working people do not "have" to take random drug tests. SOME companies test employees. The only reason this continues is because employees don't stand up as a group and say, "NO WAY!". It is an intrusion into your life, and NO, I'm not a drug user. But I would have to tell a group of total strangers that I take medication for seizures. It is the same medication some people take for other illnesses, and it is something that could easily lead to discrimination, along with total strangers knowing my business. AND handling my urine, which is just bizarre. Go ahead and tell me they all keep it to themselves. That's a laugh. Furthermore, that type of intrusion, having everyone tested for drugs, is ridiculous, and expensive, and proves NOTHING. If you're not a pilot, or a surgeon, who cares if you smoked a joint? Who cares if you take anti-anxiety medication? Are we really so Puritanical that a "high" of any kind is a sin? Worry about regulating other stuff. Like banking, and food production and distribution. Worry about corporate welfare. Worry about WHY so many folks need to get SNAP, which is "food stamps".

    1. Could not have said it better. Thnk you, right on!

  29. Oh, and just as an aside, for all these anecdotal pieces of "evidence" everyone has of all the scams and people on phones given out by Obama (the Bush cell phones are small inexpensive phones, not smartphones with expensive plans, and they are given to a lot of elderly people who won't have access to payphones because there are none anymore....yep, those same poor elderly you'll all scream about should have prepared for retirement, blah blah blah) while buying steak and dealing drugs, here is an anecdote: How about a woman who had savings in the bank, a retirement plan, a husband, 2 children and a third on the way, who suddenly had "bad luck"? Her youngest child develops a serious, life altering condition, which she didn't know until AFTER she was pregnant with #3. Both children turn out to have the condition. Two parents working didn't qualify for anything at all, but got slammed with unbelievable bills. Sure, they should've saved a million dollars first, before having the children while working. But they didn't. The tens of thousands they DID save went pretty fast once the insurance dropped them, and they had to pay for their children. The stress? Divorce inducing. One domino after another falls, and she has her car, a nice one, paid off, and her smartphone from 2 years before her life went BOOM. She finally ends up giving up her pride and begging at the welfare office for food stamps. She is on her smart phone at the store checking in on her kid while she buys her food with the EBT card that has her food money on it. Sure, this isn't everyone's story, and I hope it's never yours. But it happens. Things happen. We need a safety net. There are apparently companies too big to fail, but people, individuals, they can fail and fail they do, and you blame them the most. I hope you all never need help, you will understand then what you go through to get the basics. It'd be nice if there were communities and churches to help, and extended families who did everything the way you consider "right". Sometimes, there just aren't. So, I guess, let the weakest and most vulnerable among us just go off and die? Nice.

  30. At some point, and I hope that we are getting there in the very near future, we need to take a look at the underlying "illness" of the "patient" that is causing these "symptoms". This country needs jobs. People need work. Not working at a fast food joint, which is a job that should be for teenagers and not a career. Here's our problem, in a nutshell: we don't make things anymore. The things we DO make, are made by people who don't make much money or get much in the way of benefits for their labor. The rest of it is imported from other countries. Junk. We should start making our own stuff again. Pay our own people, instead of throwing a few quarters an hour at people overseas who are basically slaves to the companies. Maybe if instead of tricking people into believing that we take away incentive if we ask for a bit more from the wealthiest, we ask the wealthiest, including the companies, to be responsible for a long term view. That may scream socialism to some, but not to me. If your company is tied to the area it is in, if it has a vested interest in doing more than just earning money for stock owners, then that company will be responsible for itself and it's future, and it will make a difference in the lives of everyone it is involved with on many levels. The people who have lunch carts, restaurants and the like will make money from the businesses that make things. The people who make things will have enough money to buy things produced in their own back yards because they will make enough money. Perhaps, indeed, the top 5 guys at the company will not make billions anymore. If there is really no incentive to make 10 billion instead of 15 billion, then there is a serious problem. A very serious problem. Greed, and exploitation are not good ways to make money. Money might be made and piled up in some bank someplace, imaginary instruments of exchange that became even more magical during the age of "creative financial products", but real things are being replaced with imaginary things. What good is it to have a few people with the majority of the money in this country, while the rest are being held down and, yes, oppressed. People are being oppressed, and tricked into thinking that is not the case. It is. I have stocks. I would like to have money made from those stocks. But I would also like to know that I am making or buying something that is real, made here, by someone that worked hard and produced something of value. What the hell are we thinking? Go ahead off shore, outsource and build someplace else. Eventually, everyone else will do that as well, and we'll have what? Nothing. Oh, some imaginary money will be in a bank's computer somewhere.

  31. I'll way in on this debate, right now I make about 50k a year and qaulify for no assistance. My neighbor makes 10k and lives for free. I'll break down the numbers so that people can understand why this system is so messed up.

    Me Welfare
    Housing(including utilities) $1050 $0 total $12600 a year
    Food (both singe parents w/ 2) $500 $0 total $6000 a year
    Daycare $900 $0 total $10800 a year
    medical (not including deductable) $300 $0 total $3600 a year
    taxes $900 $0 (gets it all back at the end of the year and then some total $10800 a year)

    So they walk away with 43k in benefits plus their 10k salary and whatever their tax return is. Biggest defference she refuses to work more that 25 hrs a week, I work between 45 and 60. How does anyone justify that.

    1. Really ? NO ONE gets money back from welfare!!!!!!!!! Now if someone works and pay taxes, then they may get a tax refund. Although you have to make enough from a job to do so!!!!

  32. Get a job and make a honest living and all I have to say about people that wanna complain about not getting enough welfer for there selfs and there kids is we as a society Didn't tell you to go spread your legs why should we the people have to work double for your stupidity for your healthcare . & why the hell are you on this post with the internet if you need help with food get your priority's strait turn the internet or phone off and use that cash and go buy you some food !

  33. The problem is not lazy people, It's no jobs many long term & older workers are not even considered for any positions anymore. This is onging. America still has wealth it is just shifting into fewer hands. Media is telling lies for the politcos. The next thing as our systems break down will be what to do with the " Excess population" didn't we hear this in 1934 Oh yea!! That time it was in Germany - Take back our goverment
    Take back our wealth - For the tree of liberty needs to be watered!!!

  34. Just shows you how out of touch the average people are in the US. $15+ an hour is equivalent for someone on welfare with all the benefits added together. Food stamps, cash benefit, housing, utilities.ect.

  35. I am a high school special education teacher, and my students tell me how their families beat the system. They sell EBT cards, because "ya know, you can't use an EBT card at the Gap". One girl is claimed as a dependent for her grandmother in NJ- evidently they pay more, and now her child will also be claimed as a dependent. We live in SC. When I told her that was against the law, she said her grandmother had been claiming her since she was a baby, and it's something she does at work. She told me this because she doesn't know that it is wrong. And didn't really believe me until I printed out info about dependent fraud. Another student told me how to qualify for Section 8 housing. Another one told me his moms rent is $38 a month, for a 4 bedroom apartment. She has been looking for work- for 8 years. Abuse is rampant!
    Many of my students get SSI- one told me the other day that his check went up, and where does that money come from? I told him my taxes paid for it. Probably half of my students get SSI checks- they are eligible from the age of 7, and the checks are about $900 a month. Exactly what are they disabeled from- they get a free education, and 7 year olds don't work. I asked the student- he said that his parents had to pay for food, electricity, rent, and clothes. As far as I know, most families have to provide those things for their children. And I am not talking about children that need expensive medicines, or special transportation- these are kids with Learning Disabilites, or mild mental retardation. There are no special medications or equipment required for them to lead a full and happy life .Disabilty Payments once they are out of school, and will probably only be able to work at minimum wage jobs, but not from the age of 7. Some students who are in the regular high school enviroment, and will get a high school diploma and attend college, get SSI, due to their Learning Disability.
    I just think that is wrong, and a waste of government money that could be used in other ways.

  36. I'm finishing school right now that I've busted my butt off for 4 years in Electrical Engineering. I have a 80,000 a year job starting in April. I hate the fact that the govt's answer to this will be to take more of my hard earned money away to help others who have chosen poorly.. I picked Electrical Engineering because there is a huge demand for it. In my state, there are no Education jobs.. but yet tons of my fellow students chose to go into education... People in general are stupid, and make poor choices.. What will happen here in the US is eventually they'll start seizing money. Some counties have already done this, where they just plainly take XX% of the citizens money to save the nations financial problems. Hence the reason my wife and I keep our HARD EARNED MONEY out of country. We keep a couple thousand in the bank.. so when they come to take their money back.. they'll won't be able to get our money. Sorry UNCLE SAM.. I didn't create this problem of ppl bleeding the hell out of the system. YOU DID!!! If you are a citizen of the USA... GO WORK YOUR ASS OFF ! Do something with your life.. I worked my ass off.. so can you! The day is coming where there will be no where else for the GOVT to take money.. you can only take so much from the rich before the rich start leaving... It's already happening..

  37. Im a 26 year old male. Iv worked since the age of 14. I lost my job almost a year ago due to lay offs. I had to sell my car and most everything i own to get by. I have NO family and iv never recieved a penny from the government. Now i find myself homeless, hungry and my shoes are falling off from holes. What should i do? Get welfare and be degraded for for it? Or should i go take from people what i need? Or just roll over and die? What would you do? And God bless everyone judgemental SOB in here who have been blessed enough to have no hit rock bottom or have family to help them. One day when you lise yoyr job of 10 years and have no one to help maybe you'll understand. Oh and i have no kids by the way.....God bless us all

    1. Have you thought about going to a church to ask for help? What are you using to leave this comment and how did you find EPJ?

    2. Your "sad story" smells a little fishy. First, if you lost your job due to a lay-off and not a dismissal for cause you would still be receiving unemployment. Secondly, even an illiterate young man of 26 can find a job, perhaps not the type of employment that you think is not beneath you but a entry level job. If you were 17 years old then maybe a 26 year old would get the position that you had applied for. Did you work for 10 years with the same firm and not save any money? Being prepared for adversity is a normal human activity.

    3. For the anoynmous comment above me... a line spoken by Humphrey Bogart's character in the classic movie, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre ...

      “Anyone who is willing to work and is serious about it will certainly find a job. Only you must not go to the man who tells you this, for he has no job to offer and doesn't know anyone who knows of a vacancy. This is exactly the reason why he gives you such generous advice, out of brotherly love, and to demonstrate how little he knows the world.”
      ― B. Traven, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

      People who say things like you say know nothing of the world. You work, you support yourself, and that's it - you're not brilliant, street smart, or full of common sense. Your blind to the world of problems other people have.

  38. The data for this chart includes everyone who is paid by the government, not just welfare recipients (the title is misleading). California has lots of military bases, government run research facilities, etc. so that inflates its numbers.

  39. Nobody should be forced to depend on a church for their livelihood.

    This is what's wrong with having stupid things like welfare limits. Charity was never enough, isn't enough and NEVER WILL BE ENOUGH.

    Charity does F all for poor people.

    What conservatfve filth want is the return of debtor's prisons and workhouses.

    Getting put in jail for having no food, money or clothes, not even enough to get a job, having to live like this poor young man is--that's what you conservative filth are creating. There will be a lot more of these people, soon enough.

    Individual/family welfare was NEVER as much of an expense as the lying filth republicans claimed.


    There is more waste on a monthly basis in the defense department than was ever spent on welfare in five years, you stupid selfish, scumbags.

    1. Tell that to the people who drive tricked out Escalades to the welfare/SS Office.

  40. Local "woman" gets SSI on herself & her two kids. She gets a rent subsidy (free rent), utilities are paid for, food stamps, TANF (Mis'sippi). Her "friend" gets paid to babysit her kids. She babysits her friends kids; all on the taxpayer's dime. Add in free medical & dental & it equals over $5K per month. Where is the incentive to look for a job or work if one was available.

  41. If you add health care to welfair I bet it is about $30 a hr. Heath care is expensive. Good plan run you $800 a moth easy for just the payer.

  42. Stop slamming individuals who receive Government Welfare and focus on big Corporations who receive Corporate Welfare!

    If Republicans had their way; individuals would not receive any welfare so they could give even more money and tax breaks to these Corporate Welfare Queens!

  43. We need jobs on this country to stay afloat.I live in Mo .Iv'e had three jobs go under on me. Minimum wage here is $7.50 hr. I make just a little over that with no promise of a raise in the year and a half Iv'e worked at this company.The job I had before,I worked for seven years at $9.00 hr with no raises or health insurance of any kind.I do get some help with my rent through the state.I my self have health problems but do not qualify for any assistance I was laid off for lack of work. The company had to down size. Good paying jobs with benefits are hard to find.You most always have to go through a temp service just to find a job which puts a damper on things to get something full time and get benefits started. It usually takes a year at least.If you want to find a decent job you have to travel but then your screwed again because of gas just cant win! I live in a small town but not every one can live in the city LOL. Most the jobs where I live are restaurants or retail stores like Wal-Mart that don't pay well.

  44. So I am a mother that does not work, I am more than capable of working but choose not to because I lost my husband in Afghanistan yes he was protecting our country, our lives and I do get some assistance so because I choose to stay home with my kids cause they struggle day to day over the loss of there father I am a scumbag cause I am capable of working?? Smh sad!!!

    1. I hope you are not home schooling your kids. If so, you need a lesson in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

    2. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm also grateful for and to people like your husband. That being said... Your husband chose a route that was honorable. His career, life, and death, could be viewed as an inspiration to your children and their children. Instead, it seems you are using it as an excuse to teach them to take what they can when life leaves them feeling jaded. If you are capable of working but chose to live off assistance, then yes you are one of those welfare leeches. You don't have to leave your children alone 24/7 to work. Work while they are in school, work at home, etc. Use the money from your husband's loss to go to college. Do something! Use the system as a stepping stone instead of a way of life. Otherwise, your children will have the "take, take, take," attitude, rather than the, "work ethic" that a soldier must have to be a soldier.

      Please don't take my comment as diminishing the sacrifice of your late husband or your family. That is not my purpose. I understand loss. I've lost a lot. I've watched my sister and nephews lose alot. Her husband was killed in an auto accident. No benefits, no help. She was a stay at home mom and had to work when he died. It was and continues to be devastating for them. She is on assistance (Medicaid and food stamps) but she works 12 hour days as a waitress. She had to do it. Why are you more worthy of sympathy than she? Because your husband died doing something he chose as a way of life? Well her husband died on the way to work, soldier or not, it's equally shocking and equally sad.

  45. All I hear are whining and excuses from people collecting welfare. I didn't have your kids and my money shouldn't go to taking care of them when I work my ass off and have my own family to worry about. Stop making excuses and get a job. My kids don't want to take care of your welfare babies when they grow up either.

  46. to all liberal communists who are backing the email fraud and banghazi butcher: KILLARY, it's time for a revolution and that's why donald trump is our next president and the brokered convention won't work establishment so go home and tell mitt romney and paul ryan to kiss my ass
