Thursday, October 24, 2013

Eliot Spitzer May Run for Office Again!

NyPo's Richard Johnson reports:
f you thought you’d seen the last of Eliot Spitzer, think again.
Over lunch at Prime Grill Tuesday, Spitzer was overheard saying that his recent unsuccessful run for New York City Comptroller will make it easier for him to run for another office in the near future.
“I have heard he may challenge state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman” — whom he has trashed in public for being weak — “or state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli,” said one political savant.
Hey,  Roger Stone expect a call, to be followed by a retainer check, from Ken Langone.


  1. Don't these people have any useful skills or talents to contribute to society in the private sector, instead of constantly relying on being in power and general politcal cronyism? I think we all know the answer to that rhetorical question is: no.

  2. Put him in charge of the New York sewage system. Its contains something he truly understands and built his personal and business life around...
