Friday, October 4, 2013

What's Rand Paul Polling?

Yesterday, I posted a clip of Rand Paul discussing tactics with Mitch McConnell, which was picked up by a hot mic.

There's one part of Rand's short comments during that clip that needs to be highlighted. Rand said:
I don't think they poll tested "we won't negotiate." 
What he means by that is that he doesn't think the Democrats had pollsters go out and see if the general public believes that Republicans won't  negotiate. There is a possible implication here that Rand's pollsters have poll tested the public's view on the topic.

Indeed, this falls in line with what I have been told by people familiar with the Rand Paul camp, that Rand's camp is running polls on a daily basis. This, I believe, is why you often see awkward delays in Rand responses to new hot issues. He is, in these cases, waiting for poll results.

How poll driven is Rand? I am told that on one occasion another potential 2016 presidential candidate made a gaffe that Rand's pollsters detected. Rand immediately went out and introduced a bill in the Senate that positioned him opposite the gaffe.

If you are a libertarian, I guess there is a way to use polls to determine what points to emphasize in an election. But it is an entirely different case to have supposed libertarian principles that you are willing to shade if the polls tell you to do so. I suspect that is what Rand is doing..


  1. Rand has not poll tested that. What Rand says is the the democrats have not poll-tested it either. You are wrong.

    1. Any politician who shares campaign advisors with Mitch McConnell, and works with him on a daily basis is an enemy of liberty. Tea Party bootlickers like you worship Rand yet are unable to provide any evidence that he wants to seriously reduce the size of the Military, NSA, DHS, TSA, ATF, National Guard, or the FBI.

  2. Well, just how many times does 'Paul the Lesser' have to show he is a politician first and foremost? When he payed obedience to Israel and made the pilgrimage to the wall, I lost any true trust in him. Rand for President? Not with my vote.

  3. Rand means that the Democrats are saying "We won't negotiate", but he believes that statement does not go over well with the public, which would have been revealed had Democrats poll tested the phrase.

    1. exactedly. This supposedly leaked video also looks pretty well orchestrated.

  4. bla bla....Cry me a river wenzel

  5. To "shade" one's libertarianism is equivalent to the effectiveness of the Trojan horse: it works pretty damn well.

    Polling is so interesting; you learn so much about people and it's not necessarily to change your message, it's so that you can speak the same language as your audience to ensure that they listen.

  6. It's pretty obvious Rand meant the Democrats did not poll on their refusal to negotiate.
