Friday, November 15, 2013

Apple Yanks Bitcoin APP

TechCrunch reports:
 Coinbase — the YC-incubated startup that offers a bitcoin buying and trading platform for consumers, and APIs to developers to integrate bitcoin payments into apps and websites — has had its iOS app pulled from the App Store by Apple, less than a month after it first appeared.

BTC is currently trading at $454.00.


  1. I almost commented on the last article wondering when you were going to post some more BTC hate? Thanks for satisfying that itch...haha.

  2. That's the thing. The more they fight bitcoin the more I'm convinced it is truly frightening them. Which is awesome.

  3. What hate? He posted two facts I was not aware facts expressed emotion

    1. Selective facts - only the negative. Petty to say the least.

    2. The story itself has a negative connotation towards BTC. Wenzel chose the article out of thousands available everyday. He does this every 12-24 hours. Today was a particularly long vacant hate streak (almost 48hours). Wenzel can't stand that the upward momentum continues. He can't stand being wrong. It consumes an abnormal amount of his thoughts. This gives me daily pleasure watching him squirm, metaphorically.

    3. He never said the upward trend couldn't continue ... there's a post somewhere on here where he states it could theoretically go to $1mm ... he just points out that there are true issues that can arise that can derail this thing and notes that he believes gold is safer ... i'd say the BTC people are like a cult nowadays, but that's the same thing people say about people invested in gold ... so i just won't say anything

    4. Danger...It is totally fine that he doesn't think that BTC will survive long term. I have no quarrels with his thoughts about the coin. What I have a problem with is that he WANTS it to fail. Just so he can be right. As a liberty lover, we all should want BTC to succeed simply to break the grip of the money power in this country.

      Wenzel is more concerned about being right than he is about destroying the FED. BTC is the one and only thing (besides educating the whole country about the FED) that actually has a chance to damage the current system. Wenzel should be cheering as much as he criticizes BTC.

  4. It's a bit early to declare victory, isn't it? Let's see where bit coins are trading in a year. My guess is much lower.

    1. Bitcoin is "a victory" as of this moment in time (as a store of value). Of course anything can change tomorrow or a year from tomorrow. Same with the dollar, gold, etc., etc.
