Infuriated by the surprise agreement between the P5+1 countries and Iran on the first round of confidence-building measures, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has taken to out and out falsification to trash-talk the deal. And he lets loose with a couple of whoppers.
In a press release yesterday, Cantor wrote:
The text of the interim agreement with Iran explicitly and dangerously recognizes that Iran will be allowed to enrich uranium when it describes a 'mutually defined enrichment program' in a final, comprehensive deal. It is clear why the Iranians are claiming this deal recognizes their right to enrich.This is the classic bait-and-switch of Cantor and his warmongering allies: pretend that Iran has no right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and when an agreement such as this does not deny Iran the right to enrich, claim that a new right has been established by this "bad deal." Then hope that no one can actually read the NPT.
Read the rest here.
Let the people eat cake! Kill the bastards, irrespective of the truth!! Our politicians are blood thirsty vampires through and through!