Sunday, November 17, 2013

One Good Reason You Need to Read EPJ

We are way ahead of the mass media on many big stories.

We broke the Jesse Benton nosegate scandal that columnist James Carroll has called a sensational political story. WaPo, WSJ, FT, NYT , The Guardian and AP picked up this story after we first ran it.

And EPJ was the first to provide a inkling that there were problems with the Obamacare web site. On September 25, more than a month before the launch, we reported in a post titled, Exclusive: OBAMACARE NIGHTMARE Part of Obamacare Will Be "Paper Sign Up Only," Web Based Electronic Sign Up Won't Be Ready Until 2014:
A senior lobbyist at a medical association informs  that "the SHOP exchange for small businesses to purchase insurance for their employees will require employers to sign up using paper forms. The ability to sign up using an electronic or web-based form will not likely be ready until January 2014 at best. The industry was informed of this limitation one week ago."
WaPo, WSJ and NYT picked up this story after we first ran it.

EPJ, way ahead of the pack.

1 comment:

  1. EPJ is a must , if you want to know what tomorrows news is - today.
