Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rand Paul: We Need to Make Our Military Stronger; Israel Has Never Wavered as an Ally

So this is what happens after  Rand meets with Rupert Murdoch ad Roger Ailes. He goes on an insane pro-Israel, militaristic tweeting binge :


  1. No one should be shocked by this.

  2. Frustrating, and not very bright, to be doing this at a time when more and more people are seeing things his father's way, as evidenced by the very strong anti - syria war sentiment. And also in the recent push back against politically correct enforcement of military worship. Seems like Rand is going out of his way to refresh a stale and smelly war party.

  3. Amidst the chaos of the Middle East we have always had one friend that never leaves our side—Israel. As an ally, Israel has never wavered? We must have the strongest military on earth, not because we are eager to use it, but b/c no one would ever dare challenge us? Modernize and strengthen our military?

    Rand, you mean spending $700 billion to $1 trillion isn't enough? It's already the strongest, most modern imperialist machine in history. And ANYONE who wants to be changed to that anchor known as Israel should be voted out. Period!

    To dead brained idiots who want to shout the tired cliche Anti-Semite!:

    For those in the slow lane at school I oppose any ALL "aid" to ANY...I repeat....ANY country in the world. It's just that the US government has some weird fetish for Israel and it's also a big reason for Islamic attacks on the US. The Middle East is THEIR problem, not ours).

  4. What does it tell you that I'm seeing an AIPAC ad under this post?

  5. "we have always had one friend that never leaves our side—Israel." they can't leave our side because their hand in always in our pocket.

  6. "We must have the strongest military on earth, not because we are eager to use it, but b/c no one would ever dare challenge us" ....including the people of the United States who must pay.

  7. "In a few weeks, I will be announcing the formation of a task force to modernize and strengthen our military" because I don't have a chance if i don't offer shitloads of easy money to the merchants of death.

  8. Israel has never wavered as an ally...except that whole USS Liberty thingie

  9. Wow!!! It only took two years for him to go from being Ron Paul's biological son to William Kristol's adopted son.

    I wonder how many libertarians are willing to challenge Rand to reconcile is ostensible concern about the budget and his push to maintain and expand the Federal empire.

    1. It's very disappointing.

    2. I don't know if any of you still post at Ron Paul Forums, but the Rand apologists over there are turning the liberty movement into a joke. I'm sure they'll put an interesting spin on these comments from Rand, too.

    3. "I don't know if any of you still post at Ron Paul Forums, but the Rand apologists over there are turning the liberty movement into a joke. "

      Yup. That's what happens when you compromise your belief in liberty. You simply give it all away. The dickheads.

  10. Just look at the sequence of his statements.

    Tweet #1- Suck up to Israel

    Tweet #2 - Declare his loyalty to the empire

    Tweet #3 - Announce a plan to grow government

    Rand exemplifies why the Tea Party is a joke. They are not a break from the Republican Establishment. They are like old Republican wine in new libertarianish bottles. Two years ago Rand ran as an outsider to the GOP establishment. Now, he is supporting the GOP establishment candidate against the upstart and now he's fully vested into the military/industrial complex.

  11. There is a lot of gray in what Rand said. To most of us EPJ readers, a stronger military could be achieved w/ drastic spending cuts and redploying our forces to protect the homeland. Remember, Rand was instrumental in getting defense cuts added into the sequester - http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2012/07/rand_paul_on_defense_spending_the_senator_does_not_believe_that_republicans_or_democrats_are_serious_about_cutting_.html

    Regarding Israel, I see his words as empty rhetoric that builds bridges with the teocons. It's a far cry from calling for increased foreign aid.

    1. It's time to stop building bridges with teocons. Those bridges need to burn. There's no difference between teocons and neocons...they both want entangling alliances.

    2. If he loved the sequester cuts, why was he running to every conservative outlet on earth and excitedly tell them that his budget restored the defense cuts from the sequester?

  12. Rand Congressional Aid: "Rand, it's Netanyahu on line 1, he's asking me whether you'd prefer the taste of strawberry's or banana's tonight and who should bring the knee pads."

  13. The saddest thing of all is not that a bunch of ignoramuses keep defending Rand. They've never known what true libertarianism is to begin with because they are still suffering from that baseless trust in certain politicians to do something right, and to see politics as the answer.

    The saddest thing is that only about a week or so ago, eminent libertarian Walter Block himself called Rand a libertarian, on the absurd premise that he is the "most libertarian in the senate".
    That's kind of like saying that Mitt Romney is a libertarian because he was the "most libertarian in the presidential race in the end."
    Yet this same man not too long ago ranted (ranted, because it is was not even close to a logical, well reasoned argument) that Stefan Molyneux and Wendy McElroy are NOT libertarian, just because they refused to vote for Ron Paul (as many anarchists would since they refuse to vote and legitimize the system).

    It's easy criticizing the anonymous sycophants and apologists. But i think it's time to call the famous libertarians to task as well. I don't agree with Robert Wenzel on everything. But i'm glad he has the stones to call Ron Paul to task and to expose Rand Paul whenever it is needed.
    As i say again and again. Idolize ideas and principles, NOT people. If Walter Block insists Rand Paul is a libertarian (or something really really close), then on this issue i can not take him seriously. No matter how much he has meant for the libertarian movement and has much he has written.

    Here Rand is, wanting to defend the empire and pro-Israel foreign policy. This is supposed to be an ALLY to libertarians?

    1. "Here Rand is, wanting to defend the empire and pro-Israel foreign policy. This is supposed to be an ALLY to libertarians?"

      Yeah, I don't get it either. Some libertarians seem so desperate for a political answer that they'll just latch on to anything that is less than full totalitarianism.

  14. Wow. I can't believe what has happened to our great country. Why support Israel? Why have the strongest military? Israel is the only western civilization in that part of the world. In a sea of countries opposed to freedom, Israel stands alone. American imperialism, please.... You probably think it is okay that we are allowing Iran to develop nukes. Countries that call for the destruction of America and it's values - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - countries that oppress their own people bomb others and hide behind women and babies...is this who you defend? Wake up. In Israel, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, people of all faiths and ethnicities live in freedom under protection of law. You don't have that in the rest of the Middle East. You live in a fantasy world. Do you truly believe that if the USA pulled out of the Middle East, those countries would no longer be the enemies of the USA? Our current socialist, Marxist leader tried that and look what it's gotten us. A strong military presence is absolutely required to ensure our security at home, on our soil. And any country, not only Israel, that stands for freedom in this dangerous world full of animals who not only have no respect for us but no respect for their own people, should always have our support. Where is a sensible party with that supports liberal social values, small government, conservative fiscal policy and a strong military. America IS exceptional and it is a shame that it is doomed to failure by idealists and apologists. When patriotism is a dirty word, it's over. The Tea Party is the closest thing we have to a true American party. If only....if only the Christian right and the racists did not poison that movement. Try living in Iran, or Egypt...or Iraq, Libya, Syria - anywhere but here. We'll see how fast you remember what a great country the USA is and what our forefathers fought and died for.

    1. Pffff... I have to say, there is so much vapid neocon propaganda and strawmanism in this short little rant that you can cut it with a knife.

      At least have the guts to post under your real name, Bill 'O Reilly.

      "Countries that call for the destruction of America and it's values - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

      Thanks. I needed a good laugh. And an American still slinging this tired, empty slogan in this day and age is so absurd as to be funny.

      What's even funnier is, only 10 years ago your rant could have been written by me. I can't believe how brainwashed i once used to be.

    2. So much psychological bias, so little time.
