Sunday, November 3, 2013

Understanding the Attack on the TSA

This was bound to happen. After groping hundreds of millions of men, some loosely hinged passenger was sure to start shooting up the groping unarmed TSA agents. And such a nut job revealed himself to us in the name of Paul A. Ciancia on Friday November 1  at terminal 3 at LAX Airpot.

He fits the profile. Seeming unhappy, without good job prospects in the Bernanke distorted economy, he lashed out at the gropers. As more and more regulations suffocate the economy, there will be more lone nuts going off on other parts of the government. Push hundreds of millions and eventually someone at the edge of society will push back.

But there is another part of the TSA attack that I want to comment on. Keep in mind that this was one single lone nut job shooter.

He started shooting at the lower level below the TSA "security" area and easily made his way into the "security" area and beyond into the middle of terminal 3, where all the planes arrive and depart. I repeat. This was one lone nut job who was able to advance that far before being taken down.

My point being that suppose instead of this being one lone nut job, it was a dozen or two trained terrorists.  We can now see how easy it would be for them to takeover terminal 3. They could have secured a perimeter with 4 to 6 terrorists at the security entrance to terminal 3, while others could have attempted to board planes that were at terminal 3 gates. Serious terrorist mayhem could ensue. The TSA does nothing to protect against such a massive terrorist assault. Fortunately, it appears there just aren't that many terrorists within the borders of the US, since we don't see such attacks, but Ciancia shows us how it could be done.

Bottom line: TSA security theater is no defense against a terrorist attack. It provides false security. It should be shut down, with each airline developing its own security measures.


  1. This has been obvious to me for years. Big airports like JFK are crowded, especially at the TSA lines. A few people could set off bombs there and kill hundreds. Government "security" has always been a sick joke.

    Bottom line: Government harms our security by doing evil overseas which invites retaliation against us. Then it harms our security by groping and spying on us (these are de facto violations of security as defined in the Fourth Amendment). And, finally, it harms our security again because the groping and spying also invites retaliation.

    1. Do you think the Government is focused on preserving our security or perhaps their own?

  2. Yerr givin the TERRORISTS idears!!!

  3. All of this presupposes that various government employees are being truthful. I no longer afford government employees, at any level, the honor of believing them. It might be wiser just to assume that they don't know what they're talking about if not outright lying about everything.

    "There are all kinds of devices invented for the protection and preservation of countries: defensive barriers, forts, trenches, and the like... But prudent minds have as a natural gift one safeguard which is the common possession of all, and this applies especially to the dealings of democracies. What is this safeguard? Skepticism. This you must preserve. This you must retain. If you can keep this, you need fear no harm."


    Americans will believe anything, especially obvious theater designed as "terror". It will be our downfall.

  4. Unfortunately, this line of thinking seems to follow to the logical conclusion that TSA needs to be armed.
    Isn't that what was planned all along?
    Exact same scenario in a "drill' the week before?

  5. It's purpose is trained obedience, heightened fear, and the bystander effect. I'd say they are doing a bang up job.

  6. Any word on the shooter being on psycho drugs? That seems to be the common denominator in shootings these days.

  7. It struck me last time at the airport that you wouldn't even need even that. 5 max suicide bombers at major airports in US in the queue at the TSA checkpoint on a busy day and the Feds would shut the whole MF down for you. Maybe even one nut failing and just saying there were were nuts out there and the feds would shut that down.

  8. It's not about security, it's about government jobs...

    1. It's about security....government job security.

  9. People should rise against government tyranny say Libertarians. One does and Libertarians are rather quiet and disown anyone like that. Yeah I think the government is not going to worry about Libertarians "taking back our country" at any point.

    1. No Gil, we want to purchase our government services on the open market. When you use a monopoly, you limit production and innovation. We don't want to take anything. We want you to stop taking. It will never come about via force. It will occur naturally once we reach the 99th monkey. You are correct about not needed to fear us.

    2. "People should rise against government tyranny say Libertarians."

      "the government is not going to worry about Libertarians "taking back our country""

      Maybe there are "Libertarians", or libertarians claiming your above quotes...but there must not be many as I haven't read your presupposition in truly libertarian circles.

      What I have read is "Withdraw consent.", which is entirely different.

      I think you misunderstand, specifically in reference to little "L" libertarians, in your claim they want to "take back" the control of government. When you understand the philosophy is that government should just go away, you will realize what you are claiming is incorrect.

      In your defense though, I can see your claims have a possibility of truth for the big "L" Libertarians, as they have their headquarters within DC ass sniffing for a reason.

      The problem is, you've posted your claims on a little "L" website, not a big "L"...and your claim doesn't represent the viewpoints of most visiting this website.

      Maybe instead, you should post your claim over at a Cato/Reason website.

    3. Oh look, "Gil" gets run off from LvMI and runs here to troll. Fuck off, cretin.

    4. It's the internet. There will always be trolls. Best to just not feed them. They go away when they don't have enough food. The troll lives off of recognition; just keep scrolling down,. Trolls hate this.

      *I must also add. When you don't engage in the back and forth with the troll they will normally go through reading the remaining, and incoming, comments in search for new prospects. This results in, though unintentionally, education sometimes. Sometimes the troll can be made to understand better what he formerly did not. I will admit I was once a troll. It was the above methods that helped me to see the clearer. Also, my mind was more open to diverse ideas when I wasn't be told to 'fuck off'. We are all trolls at some point. We should work more towards creating understanding though.

    5. That's a positive attitude there, Chris, but you don't know "Gil." He trolled the LvMI website for years. He's persistent and not "open." He's a lost cause.

    6. That's right - Snowden's a hero because plausible deniability. You can support without fear of reprisal. Support this guy for finally resisting the loss of freedoms caused by the TSA and you risk being branded a supporter of violence and, maybe, terrorism.

    7. Preferably, the Libertarians will take back the country at the ballot box. The only question is, how much damage has to be done to the country, before the majority figures out who they're voting for. I suspect we're not quite there yet.

  10. ""Fortunately, it appears there just aren't that many terrorists within the borders of the US, since we don't see such attacks,""

    No we don't see such attacks - actually we don't see any terrorists trying anything at all in our airports, year after year.

    There are 78,000 commercial departures from US airports every single day! All without one terrorist getting through, all without one terrorist being apprehended. You do the math to discover how many US departures there have been in the 12 years since 9/11 (and then, for extra credit, guestimate how many passengers that might include) (Make sure you use a calculator that can handle trillions)

    And for those out there that claim "this proves the TSA has been effective", one last factiod - Every time the TSA has been tested by sanctioned attempts to sneak guns, knives, and explosive devices on board, 70% of the attempts get the weapons through the stalwart TSA defenses - SEVENTY PERCENT FAIL

    If I were a terrorist ring leader with a penchant for martydom against the Great Satan (USA), if I knew I could simply send 2 of my crew to an airport with a bomb, and statistically one would get through and blow hundreds of Americans out of the sky, why would I wait 12 years to do so?

  11. The only way to have real security is to have anyone be able to carry any firearm anywhere.

  12. Just like every other government agency, the TSA was created based on a false, manufactured "threat."

  13. This was a false flag like boston marathon, sandy hook, 911, gulf of tonkin,fort sumpter, etc.

  14. Let airlines develop not only their own security measures, but their own airports, traffic control, etc. Come on, folks! If we really believe in the free market...
