Wednesday, December 18, 2013

George Carlin: It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It


  1. Nice story, that is an easy sell to a crowd of people because it sounds good, but its just hyperbole. Carlin thought more of a monopoly of power would solve the problems, just as long as they did it HIS way. No thanks.

    It is clear that bigger government is the problem in our lives and most of the population applauds its bigger and bigger grasp of power. Its far easier to tell people how you will make their lives better, than telling them they will have the power to do it on their own. Politicians know this and it won't change till there is eventually a collapse and a revolution of some sort. If you really think the executives of XOM are sitting in the back room planning the next big US intelligence grab, please show me some evidence.

  2. Anon @ 9:42 is right.

    Carlin grasps the fascism of the big government/big business collusion but fails completely in his comedy bit to advocate freedom/individual liberty.

    As an example, in his monologue he says, "[the evil corporations] They're comin' for your Social Security...."! Carlin apparently sees this grossly immoral State-imposed ponzi scheme as some sort of benevolent retirement program. If a person can't see through this disgusting government theft, it tells me they still believe in The State, just one their buddies control.

    1. Agree 100%. I am reminded of this Ludwig von Mises quote:

      "The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are not his friends."

  3. When reality overthrows imagination
    by Hugo Salinas Price

    Now to get to the heart of perhaps the most important imaginary construct in which we live: money. Today, the world uses as money something totally imaginary: fiat paper money exists in printed form and can be folded, but its value is quite imaginary; the numbers on this paper money, which give it value in proportion to their magnitude, bear no relation at all to anything tangible. On the other hand and to a much greater extent we have fiat digital money; this form of money is absolutely imaginary, and is produced by the imaginary banking systems of the world.

    All imaginary digital money is imagined to exist exclusively in imaginary banks, where it is registered as supposedly the property of corporations and other imaginary institutions of all sorts, and also, as the property of flesh and blood humans. An awkward fundamental question is “How can something imaginary constitute property?”

    Such is the mighty hold of imagination upon humans that even the ridiculous imaginary Bitcoin has gained the attention of some otherwise prudent humans. Governments have objected to the use of the Bitcoin because the Bitcoin, as imaginary money, invades the imaginary turf of bankers and governments and these people don’t like that. Curiously, on the Internet we can see pictures of pretty shiny Bitcoins, though none have been minted. A picture is helpful to the promotion of an imaginary coin.

    On the part of some normally sound critics of fiat money the main doubts regarding the Bitcoin refer to its security and safety from falsification. Nobody is concerned that the Bitcoins are totally imaginary. Humanity appears to be quite happy in the imaginary world in which it lives.

    Today, imaginary governments rule by means of distribution of imaginary money provided by imaginary banking systems controlled by imaginary central banks.

    To give the creation of imaginary money a semblance of authenticity, we are told that money is created when a debt is created. The fact is that digital imaginary money, which is most of the money used in the world, appears in the realm of quantity as pure number – not a part of the material world – the effect of key-strokes on computers by individuals authorized to carry out such key-strokes by the managers of imaginary banks. But to preserve the illusion of authenticity of the imaginary money, its creation (though the world “creation” is not logically applicable to the invention of a number which represents nothing physical at all) is tied to the creation of debt. So we are told that all money originates in the need for credit, and the banks, responding to the need for credit, grant loans in imaginary digital money.
    Here we meet another figment of the human intellect: debt.
