Friday, December 20, 2013

Huffington Post Logic: They Don't Pay Bloggers, But They Are In Favor of a $10.10 Minimum Wage

In 2012, Huffington Post went to court to battle a class action suit filed on behalf of its bloggers, who aren't paid. HuffPo won the challenge and a judge dismissed the suit.

Yet, today, we have Jillian Berman, an Associate Business Editor at HufffPo, out with an article supporting a increase in the minimum wage to $10.10.

Got it? When it comes to HuffPo, not even the courts can make it pay one damn penny, but when it comes to the rest of the world HuffPo demands a government decree that requires minimum pay of $10.10 a hour.

As for Berman's argument, it is a classic case of Berman not understanding that 2+2=4.


  1. The bloggers volunteered for a non-paying position. Supporting the minimum wage does not require a person to also oppose volunteer work. There is no contradiction here.

    1. So, if I volunteer for a $3/hr job, that's okay?

    2. Um, I do see a contradiction JW. A worker voluntarily agrees to take a job, so why can one volunteer for free, but not for $7 or $10 or whatever salary they and the employer deem acceptable? Seems to me huffpo is playing both sides of this law.

    3. And my cleaning lady volunteered to work for the $5 per hour I offered, yet if I were to hire her as an employee we would be prevented by force from entering into such an agreement. Supporting both voluntary agreements and a mandatory minimum wage is completely contradictory.

  2. So you are OK with $0.00/hr wage, Jerry. Now explain why $0.01/hr wage is unacceptable to you.

  3. So, JWolf, if I wanted to work as an intern at McDonalds for $2/hr then you would be okay with that?

    Your bullshit is so tired, you need to just go away.

  4. If bloggers can volunteer to work for free then why can't I volunteer to work for less than minimum wage?

    All work in voluntary in that the employee and employee agree to an acceptable level of compensation for an acceptable level of production.
    If you let the markets determine the wages, then it wages will be what they are supposed to be.
    McDonalds in my city pays about $10 even though minimum wage is less. Because the supply of labor is low, the cost of labor goes up.

    Econ 101, son.

  5. As I suspected, JW the Troll can't defend his post.

    Commenters- we need to DESTROY this troll. Every bullshit illogical and contradictory comment needs to be exposed.

    He's too coward to respond to real critics.

  6. I think it is past time that Wolfie simply be ignored. He never even attempts to defend his moronic arguments. It is safe to conclude he only posts his nonsense to get a rise from the replies that demolish his evident stupidity. Leave him be and he will go away.

    1. I'm guilty of feeding the troll. I will try my best to refrain, and ask other posers to do the same.

      If JWolf ever debated it would be different, but drive by trolling coupled with his lack of balls to respond makes him useless. A troll of the worst kind!

    2. Just do what I do....All I ever post in response to his are "JW: Troll" since, for some unknown reason, RW won't get rid him..

  7. I like JWolf. Yes, he's not doing much to defend his positions and he might raise blood pressure a little bit, but he's a great whetstone for sharpening libertarian arguments. I love when he posts because then I get to read a series of well-thought-out rebuttals to standard leftist/statist arguments. He basically turns the comments section into a think tank. He might not like it, but he's actually helping us.

  8. Ditto. And he's a hoot to boot! As someone recently asked him, "you really don't think these things through, do you"? He's so pathetically inept, I imagine soon he'll be kicked out of the Keynesian/Statist Troll Club. I can hear the other trolls telling Jerry to shut up because he is causing so much damage.
