Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Mrs. Spitzer: Your Marriage Is Over

Disgraced ex-governor Eliot Spitzer and his estranged, long-suffering wife, Silda, confirmed Tuesday night that their marriage is over, reports NyPo.

“We regret that our marital relationship has come to an end and we have agreed not to make any other public statement on this subject,” the couple said in a joint statement released by Spitzer spokeswoman Lisa Linden.

The announcement follows the revelation by NyPo that Spitzer, 54, has been dating his former spokeswoman Lis Smith, 31.


  1. This probably goes without saying, but I'm compelled to say it anyway: Eliot Spitzer is a scumbag.

    What does it say about New Yorkers that he has such staying power?

    I'm amazed that people like my mother who decades later bears a grudge against my father for divorcing her, yet she falls all over herself to support a scumbag like Spitzer. I'm not sure if it's a mental or spiritual corruption, but she's not alone in her deeply warped voting habits.

  2. "We regret that our marital relationship has come to and end..." ?

    I'd think they'd both be relieved it was over.

  3. The real question is, how much of Eilot's assets will Mrs. Spitzer get via the divorce.
