Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rand Paul Not Opposed to Extending Unemployment Benefits

Let's see how libertarian Rand Paul apologists are going to try and spin this.

During an appearance today on ABC's "This Week," Newsmax reports that Rand said he is not opposed to renewing the extension of long-term unemployment benefits, but he wants to make sure they are paid for before doing so.

"I think it's wrong to borrow money from China or simply to print up money for it," he said.

Aside from this not being a libertarian position, it is not even a conservative position. It is generally held by lefty pathological altruists.

And what kind of position is it to say one is in favor of it "as long as it is paid for"? What happened to  the plan to reduce government spending?

I have warned before, Rand will take on more and more statists positions as the 2016 presidential race gets closer. He wants to be president real bad and will say and do whatever it takes, of course, trying to use as much nebulous wording as possible to confuse as many as possible.


  1. Wow, he's on quite the roll. It's wrong to borrow money from China or print it up, but it's OK to forcibly extract it from the productive in America? You have to wonder if someone is advising him, or if he's just making these pronouncements extemporaneously.

  2. Piece by piece, Rand is adopting Romney's 2012 platform. He'll probably be running to the left of Romney by 2016.

  3. "Let's see how libertarian Rand Paul apologists are going to try and spin this."

    I'll try.

    If the U.S. doesn't extend these benefits how can these unemployed be "free" to NOT work ?
    They would be FORCED to find a job.
    Rand RepubliCAN is a Libertarian against force and for freedom, so BOOM.
    Extend it is !

  4. "....."will take on more and more statists positions as the 2016 presidential race gets closer."

    Seems thats the only way to become president is to be statist.

    1. "Seems thats the only way to become president is to be statist."

      Which is why it's stupid for libertarians to vote for anyone that doesn't have clear libertarian principles. With someone like Ron Paul, you know he's not going to win, but by putting him as far into the race as possible, you are exposing many people to libertarian ideas.
      Rand Paul has no "educational" purpose whatsoever and is therefor utterly useless to libertarians, because in order to win, he'll basically have to become as close to a neocon as possible.

    2. Rand, Glenn Beck, Neil Boortz, Bill Maher and other MSM labeled libertarians are just trojan horses thrown in by the statists liberals and statist conservatives to fool the public that they are what real libertarianism is. They hate people like Justin Raimondo, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell, Adam Kokesh, Sheldon Richman and Jacob Hornberger because they won't compromise and expose the statism that is liberalism and conservatism.

  5. This article doesn't tell the whole story, which essentially makes the author a liar. Rand Paul CLEARLY stipulated that his economic freedom zones were a condition of his support. Those are the most radically libertarian tax policies ever proposed in the senate.
