Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rand Paul Really Loves Mitch McConnell, Says Mitch McConnell

Wonkette writes:

This video right here is Mitch McConnell’s first ad of the new campaign year, and Mitch McConnell, who does not say a word in the ad, would like you to know that Kentucky’s junior Senator, Rand Paul, thinks he’s the bees knees. Yes, this appears to be our second toe-sucking story of the day.

So does this mean it is only Rand's nephew, Jesse Benton, who can't stand McConnell?


  1. I wish I could post a picture of Rand in his Yamaka. Says it all.

  2. Excuse me while I go puke.

  3. Here is my 2 one-trillionth of a bitcoin.

    I'll never vote in a federally-corrupt election again but this is the first year in my life that I actually hope that a democrat wins in Kentucky......if McConnel wins his primary.
    Same here in Georgia over our NDAA traitor,TARP crook, POS statist scum Isackson.
