Monday, March 31, 2014

Law Student Arrested on Completely Bogus Charges

Agents of the government can do some pretty outrageous things, but it hardly ever makes sense to confront them directly, especially police. 

NyPo reports:
A young law student was arrested on completely bogus charges when he called out two lazy cops who parked their cruiser in a bus stop so they could grab lunch from a Brooklyn food truck, he claims in a new lawsuit.
Tzvi Richt, 22, a first-year student at Cardozo School of Law, headed home after finishing up his final exams last December when he noticed two officers honking at a man to move his car from a bus zone at Kings Highway and East 16th Street, the suit states.
The driver was using a nearby Chase ATM machine and hustled back to move his car to avoid getting a ticket, according to court papers.
The aspiring lawyer was shocked to see the officers pull into the prohibited parking area that they had just cleared out.
The officers clambered out of their cruiser and headed over to a nearby food truck for some noshing, according to the suit.
Richt approached NYPD officers Graham Braithwaite and Jason Pinero and quizzed them about the apparent double standard.
“Plaintiff asked the officers whether they thought what they had done was right,” the suit states. “Kicking a civilian’s car out of a bus stop so that they could park there just to get food.”
Richt claims that he asked the question in a respectful manner and was not “yelling or shouting,” according to court papers.
Braithwaite tried to shoo Richt away – but he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Plaintiff responded by asking whether he wasn’t allowed to ask a question of a police officer,” the suit states.
Braithwaite then demanded Richt’s identification – but the student asked if they had the right to make the request.
That’s when Braithwaite slapped handcuffs on Richt and tossed him into the back of the cruiser for a ride to the 61st Precinct, papers state... 
After placing him in a cell for an hour and a half, Braithwaite slapped Richt with a pair of disorderly conduct citations – but the raps were eventually dropped after the officer failed to show up for a hearing, the suit states.
Richt is now concerned that the arrest will wreck his legal career before it even starts.
He “has reason to fear that the arrest may interfere with his ability to secure admission to the Bar when he graduates law school and to obtain employment as an attorney,” his complaint states.

In almost all cases, it makes no sense to even call police if you have been the victim of a crime. They are not going to recover any property that may have been stolen from you and they are not going to provide you with 24 hour protection if you feel a real threat.

It makes even less sense to confront them about their conduct.You are not going to win that game.


  1. A "law student"? Who the hell would want THAT idiot as a lawyer?

    1. It reminds me of Bitcoiners that wear Bitcoin shirts and get upset with gov't goons question them on it.

      It's never smart to run up and poke a lion in the eye, because it's a lion.

    2. Depends on the case. There is someone who truly believes in the law! For a lawyer that is doubly uncommon.

  2. The System: Deserving Contempt, Resistance and Undermining--

    Let's face it, the system is pathologically broken, designed to hurt and exploit the middle class. it is contemptible. The courts are contemptible, the Judges are contemptible, the politicians-- almost all of them-- are contemptible, the political parties are contemptible. The mainstream media are contemptible. The vast legion of police and police leaders who violate the law or protect lawless cops are contemptible. The laws that are passed by lobbyist-bought or intolerant fundamentalist influenced politicians are contemptible.

    So where do we turn to fight back, to bravely move forward towards hope and progress?

  3. I once saw a cop car parked in a fire lane while the officer was in chipotle. No other parking spots were available. I thought about snapping a picture and posting it online, but I would probably have had the swap team at my door "by mistake".

    1. You can do it, but it's a pain in the ass. You have to park down the street from a library(or internet cafe), walk to it with a plain baseball cap on and plain clothes, use their computer to set up a fake e-mail account and then post(all via TOR, which you have to get on the library computer).

      Not a 100% guarantee of anonymity, but probably as close as you can get. Local cops aren't gonna use the resources necessary(most of them don't even have the resources) to track you down over a picture like could probably do it up to the level of a small cop department killing of a perp, taped on a phone or something like that(you have to scrub the video tagged phone data before hand too).

      If you do it to any of the "big boys" all bets are off. FBI/CIA/NSA have almost unlimited resources, if they want you bad enough they have the people to scour everything. If they find the library's IP they can interview neighbors, look for street cameras that may have caught you walking or driving the car, etc. et al.

  4. If the charges were dropped how could this hurt him in the future?

  5. Law students detached from reality.
    Cops are empowered more than ever to ruin a person's life. They should know better than to invite that upon themselves. If they wanted to embarrass the cops they should have taken discrete video with their cell phones and then posted it online somewhere a couple three days later.

  6. "Those who don't stand for something will fall for anything."

    Kudos to the law student for standing for something. Similarly, shame to those commentors here who made negative comments. What are they doing to make cops feel less empowered?

    1. "What are they doing to make cops feel less empowered?"

      Avoiding them?

      "Kudos to the law student for standing for something."

      And what would that be? Is he standing for the right of citizens to park in spots deemed illegal by shitty governments? Is that really worth the costs to the young man?

      Or are you going to say he was standing again "tyranny" because the cops parked there illegally too? LMAO!

      Really, don't be such a drama queen, and don't pretend his 'stand' isn't going to have any effect either on the larger picture. We all know gov't is filled with sociopathic tyrants, but fighting them over handicap parking 'rights' isn't going to exactly stir a populist revolution or make any larger significant point.
