On Thursday morning, I made one of my rare predictions: “Putin is more than posturing, however. He will use his army to hold Crimea. Over 150,000 troops are doing a ‘military exercise’. The option of splitting off part of Ukraine also remains open.” This was based on several considerations, including the military exercise, the importance of Crimea to Russia, and the additional severe political blow to Putin and Russia if Ukraine were to suppress the ethnic Russians in Crimea or boot out the Russians.
Now the Russian Senate in a 90-0 vote has given Putin authority to use the military in Crimea. Putin’s official rationale is to protect Russian citizens and military forces in Crimea. This rationale is identical to rationales we hear from American presidents when they move forces around the world. Hence, we need give no weight in terms of a consistent position to the posturings of Obama and McCain in this matter. Not that there is any way, in the first place, to justify that U.S. forces be used to protect U.S. citizens who privately choose to do business or travel across the globe.
McCain spoke of Russia’s “infiltration” as a “great danger”. Hardly. He’s the danger if he means to confront Russia over this. It is a very good thing, relatively speaking, that McCain never made it to the White House!
Obama is bad enough. We do have to give weight to potential errors of judgment of Obama and others in the U.S. government who may decide to raise the stakes in some manner in this very dangerous game and confront Russia. We do have to understand that Obama almost blundered into war with and in Syria by foolishly adopting a red line. We do have to understand that Obama has planted the seed corn of many future U.S. involvements in conflicts by his expansion and entrenching of AFRICOM in Africa. We do have to understand that neocons still permeate official offices in Washington and that they are brainless warmongering idiots, lacking in all good sense, prudence and judgment, and totally unqualified for their positions.
The above originally appeared at LewRockwell.com.
What else is there to say about Obama that hasn't been said already? But I'll give it a shot.
ReplyDeleteThis completely unknown man with the mysterious background, one completely bereft of anything meritorious or substantial, was selected (not elected) to play the White House stooge.
Once installed, he has predictably been a disaster from A to Z. Everything he's touched has turned to crap. He knows nothing about economics, finance, capital formation, supply and demand, wealth creation, how a business is run and why profits and losses are essential. And that's just the economic part of the equation.
As a former law school professor, you'd think the man would have a scintilla of appreciation for civil liberties, only to witness him take all the constitutional abuses of his predecessor and expand on them: warrantless surveillance, torture, Gitmo, drone strikes, regime change operations, bribes to foreign dictators, assassinations without due process, state secret privileges, lying repeatedly to Congress and to the American people about Obamacare, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, spying on journalists, persecution of whistle-blowers, massive deficit spending…the list is endless.
But the worst is the obscenely amateurish performance in the realm of foreign policy. The wars are endless and without any coherent rationale. The coups and coup attempts have de-stabilized parts of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America. Antarctica appears to be the only continent on the globe to escape the incessant meddling of this petty man and his coterie of warmongering sycophants.
The disastrous destabilization of Ukraine is only the latest example of his reverse Midas touch. Putin has once again demonstrated how out of his league Obama really is. The scary part: the president's inflated pride may result in an military escalation with a nuclear power.
Our very future rests in the hands of a man who is wholly unsuited to be president. If he doesn't destroy us economically, he may manage to kill us all with his reckless and stupid actions overseas. God help us.