Monday, April 21, 2014

A Casino Mogul and Baptists Team Up Against Online Gambling

By Timothy Carney

Lindsey Graham is a Southern Baptist. Last month, the senator from South Carolina proposed gambling legislation that was written by a lobbyist for casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who was raising money for Graham's reelection in South Carolina -- where two-thirds of Republican primary voters identify as evangelical or born-again Christians.

The Southern Baptist Convention, through its resolutions, has condemned gambling as “immoral,” “harmful,” and “devastating.” In the words of a 1996 resolution, the SBC has “frequently stated its opposition to the gambling industry.”

So, naturally, a reporter asked Graham about this Adelson-crafted bill. “I would say that Sheldon has aligned himself with most Baptists in South Carolina,” Graham replied. And he was right. The Baptists and the casino magnate are on the same side: They want to

Read the rest here.


  1. "The Southern Baptist Convention, through its resolutions, has condemned gambling as “immoral,” “harmful,” and “devastating.”"

    I have a revolutionary idea Baptist moron. If you don't like....DON"T DO IT! But don't FORCE your beliefs on everyone else. And for the record I don't gamble myself. But others want to blow their money that's their problem, not mine.

  2. @Mike

    This sounds like a great idea. . .for an anarchist society where your beliefs would be relevant.

    Unfortunately for you, in the society we actually live in this has the potential to lead to lost income, bankruptcy, etc., all of which leads to more welfare and taxes taken from YOU and ME in order to support these degenerate gamblers.

    1. Sounds like you need to read up on some Rothbard before you speak. Rothbard was more godly than a lot Christians now days, and he was nonreligious.

    2. Yeah let's just ban everything. That will fix it! That's idiotic. That's just like saying alcohol should be banned again so it won't get taxed. Brilliant.

    3. So, you admit after reading Carney's article that you fully support the humanistic government and being directly involve with it. Whereas, most of those same pastors, including Al Mohler, who get employed by these politicians, would say that Christians ought to preach the Gospel. It seems to me Christians are getting played.

    4. Al Mohler is not employed by politicians. Try again.

    5. Typical Christian fundie/evangie, never reading other than what he/she is told. Read the article and you will see the SBC is being used by politicians and lobbyists. Then, watch the video where Al Mohler states Christians ought to preach the Gospel as their primary duty and not worry about politics. Then, after that, he goes onto say that marijuana should be illegal just like the article said he would. The slew of Christians (not just SBC) are being persuaded like a bunch of dumb sheep.

    6. "The slew of Christians (not just SBC) are being persuaded like a bunch of dumb sheep. "

      Yup. The sad thing is how incredibly fast these fundies turn their brains off when someone throws a bible verse their direction. But, like I always say, stupid is as stupid does.

    7. If the Bible verse and its associated interpretation are correct, then I'll go with God's word over some angry libertarian's fallible reason. Christians shouldn't be getting involved with politics or worldly affairs.

  3. And here's what Al Mohler, the head of Soouthern Baptist Theological Seminary, flag ship school for SBC, had to say of libertarians and libertarianism.

  4. Al is right. No matter how much Libertarians try to twist Romans 13, governments will always be here until the return of Christ. The anarcho-capitalist ideal is just as much a utopia as Marxism.

    1. LOL: Con says libertarianism is as much a utopia as Marxism. Then, con goes off and vote for a pro-lifer because voting pro-life will make funding for Planned Parenthood go away.

    2. Another idiot Christian. Try THINKING for a change.

    3. Poor Mike, angry because someone points out the fatal flaw in his bankrupt philosophy. Less dogma, more realism.

    4. Poor Anon, angry because someone calls him out on his stupidity. Less stupidity, more thinking.

    5. Angry? No. Your ignorance makes me giggle. Silly libertarians.

    6. Your projection is always amusing. Silly little one.

  5. Bootleggers and Baptists!

    "Bootleggers and Baptists is a catch-phrase invented by regulatory economist Bruce Yandle for the observation that regulations are supported by both groups that want the ostensible purpose of the regulation and groups that profit from undermining that purpose...."

  6. The other irony here being that Lindsey graham is a severely closeted homosexual who is working hand in hand with Baptists who hate homosexuals. It shows how everyone who gets into politics is a whore with very few exceptions.

  7. Got to love theocons like this anon troll here who say they're for liberty but act just like liberals and want the state to keep people in line.
