Wednesday, April 2, 2014

AMAZING VIDEO: What's Scaring the Buffalo in Yellowstone National Park?

Some think the running buffalo are an indication that the buffalo sense that the super-volcano at Yellowstone National Park is about to erupt. But the United States Geological Service’s Yellowstone Observatory says:

There is no evidence that a catastrophic eruption at Yellowstone National Park (YNP) is imminent. Current geologic activity at Yellowstone has remained relatively constant since earth scientists first started monitoring some 30 years ago. Though another caldera-forming eruption is theoretically possible, it is very unlikely to occur in the next thousand or even 10,000 years.

Both sides of the debate are here.


  1. I like how the buffalo follow proper rules of the road. Right hand side (good thing they're not British!), with faster traffic passing on the left. I bet the accident rate is the lowest per mile run of any state. Lacking legal mandate for buffalo to carry insurance while running, their insurance rates must be absurdly low.

    1. This & above comment made me laugh out loud!

  2. I trust the Buffalo a lot more than I trust some government funded geologists...

  3. Buffaloes are migratory animals. They do this every year, right about this time.

  4. The buffalo don't look like they are "running for their lives" to me; more like they were moving on to new pastures. They were just trotting along, not running in terror. I thought it was amusing that they all stayed on the right side of the road, too. lol

  5. Infowars had this posted a couple of days ago claiming that this was filmed in 2013 (or before), but that article has now 'disappeared'.

  6. I DID find it! (posted under 'featured videos'.)..see:

  7. Looks like a trot-through drill for a stampede. Apparently buffalo also practice to make perfect.

  8. Looks like bison happily traveling down the road at a good pace. They seem to understand how to properly use a road and are likely using it because it's easier for them and faster. I wouldn't be surprised if they are using less energy at this good paced trot on the road than they would walking over the terrain.

    This isn't the first time I've encountered something where animals were obeying roadway conventions. In Germany it was found that red reflectors along the sides of the roads cut down road kill dramatically. I've even heard of animals obeying traffic signals. It makes sense, over time the animals that survive are the ones who figure out the system or are taught it when they are young.
