Thursday, May 29, 2014

BREAKING: Ex-Microsoft Chief Bids $2 Billion for the Los Angeles Clippers

WSJ is reporting that former Microsoft Chief Steve Ballmer has made a $2 billion bid to acquire the Los Angeles Clippers.


CNN is reporting that Ballmer has signed a binding agreement to buy the Clippers. The NBA still needs to approve the sale.


  1. Setting aside all of the nonsense about forcing this sale, etc.... The great (ironic, laughable, whatever) part about this: the NBA handed Sterling Chris Paul after the league denied him to the Lakers. My guess? Chris Paul is responsible for creating at least $1 billion of the $2 billion value.

  2. Now all the Clipper games will start five minutes late.

  3. If I were Mr. Sterling, I'd take the $2,000,000,000 and give Stiviano a big "THANK YOU!" plus $10,000,000 to "get lost".

  4. Ballmer. Great. If he runs the team like he ran msft, the will have a mediocre product with great marketing.

  5. Sheesh. Hot money needs somewhere to park itself into real assets. There is no inflation.

  6. Looks like they are really screwing Sterling with the "mentally incapacitated" ruling they are putting on him.
