Friday, May 16, 2014

First Obamacare Premium Notices for 2015 Show Double-Digit Increases

Scott Gottlieb at Forbes writes:
The first Obamacare rate increases for 2015 have been posted on-line. The figures come from two states, Washington State and Virginia, which posted the proposed rate increases for their exchanges on-line. In Washington State, the enrollment-weighted average rate increase is 9.6%. In Virginia, it’s 11.7%.


  1. I can't wait to hear the excuses.

    1. Global warming, of course. It causes everything bad to happen.

  2. Wait... this is impossible! I thought govt could just snap its fingers and make costs come down!

    Must be capitalism and the free market's fault...

    1. Yep. See, Obama TRIED compromising with the evil private sector, but those greedy insurance companies raised rates anyway, so now this is proof that we have to have a completely socialized medical care system!

  3. It is called the "Affordable Care Act," so obviously there is a problem with math.

  4. What? You mean The Great God Government can't just issue a command and magically all is well with the world? Seriously?

    That's the Idiot Shit Turd Left for you. All feeeeeeelings and no brain. Oh, and for all their feeeeelings and caaaaaaaring we get higher premiums. LOL! Expect this to increase. Can these people even tie their shoelaces?
