Thursday, May 15, 2014

This Is How Libertarians Should Do Out Reach to the Black Community

It is not about taking a stance on the way blown out of proportion racism "problem" (SEE: About My Racist Friends, My Homophobic Friends and My Own Prejudices and Why Racism Is No Big Deal), since pure libertarianism, anyway, is silent on an individuals thoughts, racist or anti-racist.

The way you do reach out to the black community is you show them facts and how a libertarian application of the non-aggression principle would result in a positive difference for them. Consider this example,

VOX writes:
There were about 784,000 arrests for marijuana possession in 2010, the latest year of data analyzed by a report from the American Civil Liberties Union. Not all of those arrests led to prison time...Among those arrested, the ACLU found giant racial disparities. Blacks were 3.73 times more likely to be arrested than whites for marijuana possession, with the black arrest rate at 716 per 100,000 and the white arrest rate at 192 per 100,000 in 2010. That's despite the report's findings that whites and blacks use marijuana at similar rates.

Among those arrested, the ACLU found giant racial disparities. Blacks were 3.73 times more likely to be arrested than whites for marijuana possession, with the black arrest rate at 716 per 100,000 and the white arrest rate at 192 per 100,000 in 2010. That's despite the report's findings that whites and blacks use marijuana at similar rates.

Since libertarians do not consider the possession, use or sale of  any drugs a violation of  NAP, a libertarian application of NAP in the drug arena would mean zero arrests and incarcerations for such behavior, which would result in the elimination of government harassment against all drug users including the black population.

This is how you do reach out, not by libwap attempts to add politically correct appendages to NAP.


  1. Sadly, for the majority of my black friends, there is no incentive to stay OUT of jail.
    The food beats mayonnaise sandwichs and sugar water and its steady.
    Plenty of drugs.
    Their friends and family are already there.
    There is steady work there.
    And its actually safer.
    LBJ and the Feds have destroyed a whole generation...maybe two.
    Sad but true.


    Two women, one black man, and one of the women is an Asian. Everyone else on Cathy Weisenwitz's favorite student group has all white men! Where is the diversity?

  3. This is an old story; I've seen similar statistics for 35 years. Showing someone facts they probably already know about is not very effective outreach IMHO.

  4. I suspect that reaching out to the black community is a net waste of energy and resources for libertarians, as there's little evidence that the reaching out is ever likely to actually result in a significant increase in interest and support of libertarianism.

  5. Why should libertarians should appeal to "the black community"? Analyzing issues in this way (using collectivist rhetoric in promotion of a free society) is absurd! Forget about making utilitarian arguments (and this particular argument is pandering, as well), and focus on the NAP as a moral argument. Utilitarianism is fun, as logic implies that the NAP is likely the best outcome for the vast majority of people. But, it detracts from the moral premise (that aggressive force is illegitimate) which encompasses the NAP.
