Sunday, June 15, 2014

OMG Rand Paul Open to Iraq Air Strikes

In what is becoming a typical dance step for Rand, where he makes comments that aim at pleasing all sides on issues, he seems disgusted with Iraqi unwillingness to fight the insurgents, but then states he would not rule out US air strikes. Politico reports:
Sen. Rand Paul on Saturday signaled openness to air strikes in Iraq even as he stressed his reluctance to entangle Americans too deeply in an Iraqi fight.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register ahead of the Iowa GOP convention, Paul (R-Ky.), a likely 2016 candidate, reiterated his opposition to sending American ground troops to Iraq as an insurgent group there threatens Baghdad. The White House, as it weighs its options, has also said ground troops aren’t on the table.

“I think we aided the Iraqi government for a long time, I’m not opposed to continuing to help them with arms,” said Paul, a libertarian-leaning lawmaker. 
“I would not rule out air strikes. But I would say, after 10 years, it is appalling to me that they are stripping their uniforms off and running. And it concerns me that we would have to do their fighting for them because they won’t fight for their own country, their own cities.”
This really seems to be Obama's position on battles by the Empire, keep US troops out of the war, but protect and expand the Empire by means of military technology (and perhaps black ops).



  1. like all armies the US trains its quite obvious that the recruits probably Shite, are there just for a paycheck and when based in a sunni town, faced with determined fanatics, they quite sensibly bugged out.

  2. “I would not rule out air strikes. But I would say, after 10 years, it is appalling to me that they are stripping their uniforms off and running. And it concerns me that we would have to do their fighting for them because they won’t fight for their own country, their own cities.”

    Rand, when the US army was invading, the opposing forces were labeled as "terrorists". Just letting you know ...

    Also, can you identify the soldiers in the pictures here? How do you tell they aren't civilians?

  3. I would not object to providing guns and ammo to the people for self defense. Air-drop 'em tomorrow - 100,000 rifles and ammo.

    Also, I would not object to transporting an ALL volunteer force of military AND civilian Americans to fight and kill ISIS. By volunteer I mean they volunteered for THIS mission, not for the US military. No "rules of engagement" - kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out. Transport as many as we can move and do it NOW. How many can we get? 100,000? How many do we need to end it?

    If we can ID ISIS "camps" and kill them in a bombing run, I'm all for it; but if they are mixed in with decent people what the hell is your target?

    1. Cool, it is the neocon version of "libwap"!..didn't see that one coming...

  4. Rand's approach is similar to what Dr. Robert Pape calls "off-shore balancing", a strategy which focuses on bombardment from afar and other "invisible" means to affect the sort of change the US government desires in a particular situation, rather than a "boots on the ground" strategy. Pape argues that it is provable that suicide terrorists are motivated by one fundamental driver- occupation. Thus, removing the occupier (in Pape's view) will substantially reduce the risk of suicide terrorism. Unfortunately, Pape's doctrine assumes that is is just peachy for the USG to pursue global domination to protect our (sic for US cronies) "strategic interests and obligations", he is merely arguing for a different means to achieve these ends.

    Here is Pape's presentation which- despite it's disgusting assumption of legitimacy for US hegemony and ill-advised policy prescriptions- is a fascinating look into the motivations of suicide terrorists:

    RW, if you would like to see it, I have written an article on my blog discussing this subject....
