Friday, July 18, 2014

Anti-Immigration Candidate Dave Brat Just Hired Mark Zuckerberg's Pro-Immigration Firm

Dave Brat, the insurgent who knocked off Eric Cantor with a hardline anti-immigration message, has hired the GOP firm that does pro-immigration reform messaging for Mark Zuckerberg's, sources familiar with the arrangement told HuffPost.

Never trust a politician who desperately wants to get elected and they almost all do. (Ron Paul was an exception)

Keep in mind that Brat also replaced Zachary Werrell, the libertarian fan, as his campaign manager (SEE: David Brat Ousts Lew Rockwell Libertarian As Campaign Manager; Will Be Replaced With Cantor Operative)


  1. "Dave, a word in your ear,if we may"

  2. Nothing will change till the system dies. This is merely window dressing.
