Friday, July 11, 2014

EPA’s “Noncontroversial” Wage Garnishment Order

By Dan Goldbeck

On July 2, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a brief “direct final rule” that aims to confiscate the wages of certain Americans. Despite taking up only three pages of the Federal Register, it potentially brings precarious ramifications. The rule’s preamble declares that the EPA now has the power “to garnish non-Federal wages to collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States without first obtaining a court order.”
Even more alarming, there are the procedural acrobatics involved. 

1 comment:

  1. Automatically declaring your own system to be "non-controversial" is a pretty clever tactic. I think I'm gonna steal that. From now on, when discussing my beliefs with others, I will refer to them as "My non-controversial anarchist beliefs."
