Sawant is calling for a.... "millionaires' tax" to raise money for transit...Seattle Weekly reports:
Socialist Alternative Seattle City Council candidate Kshama Sawant, for instance, would tax the area’s ridiculously wealthy huge corporate entities to help subsidize any small businesses unable to afford a minimum wage hike.Daily UW reports:
City council candidate Kshama Sawant of Socialist Alternative stands against cuts and even wants to expand public services by taxing the rich.Seattle PI reports:
Kshama Sawant has held office less than three months, but the Seattle City Council socialist wants her newly unveiled $15-an-hour minimum wage plan to be “the main agenda item”...“The best path is to tax the rich and big business to ensure that human services are fully funded and the employees of micro businesses and human non-profits also get a full $15 an hour,” she saidThe Times of India reports:
Elected to the City Council, she has been pressing for... instituting higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for public union jobs...KIRO TV reports:
People packed into City Hall to cheer as Socialist Kshama Sawant took her oath of office as a Seattle City Council member...She said afterwards that she encouraged anyone with ideas about a progressive tax to reach out to her.
Wasn't $15/hour supposed to be a living wage?