Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rand Paul Uses Neocon Rag to Flaunt His Pro-Israel Views

Rand Paul has an op-ed in the online version of the magazine, National Review, a magazine that viciously in the past attacked the great libertarian, Murray Rothbard.

The rag was founded by William F. Buckley, who was considered by many astute observers as a CIA frontman, (SEE: The National Review CIA Connection)

In Rand's piece, he writes:
This week, three young boys were buried in Israel. The victims of kidnapping, they had been murdered by terrorists from Hamas...

The Obama administration responded with its condolences to the families and to the state of Israel, as well it should have. But it also called, as it always does in situations like this, for restraint on the part of Israel.

How many times must Israel hear this call? Children are murdered — please show restraint. Cafés and buses are bombed — please show restraint. Towns are victimized by hundreds of rockets — please show restraint while you bury your dead once again.

I think it is clear by now: Israel has shown remarkable restraint. It possesses a military with clear superiority over that of its Palestinian neighbors, yet it does not respond to threat after threat, provocation after provocation, with the type of force that would decisively end their conflict.

But sometimes restraint can work against you. Sometimes you just have to say, enough is enough.
To be sure, Rand then goes on to only call for US defunding of the Palestinian Authority, but this is just typical Rand trying to provide enough muddling of his view to keep some anti-war libertarians on his side.

Politico gets what Rand is really up to:
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul blasted the White House’s response to a kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers in a strongly worded column designed to highlight his pro-Israel credentials.
Paul, a potential GOP presidential contender who is often leery of interventionist foreign policy, has been highly critical of the more hawkish wing of the GOP, most recently in the debate over what to do in Iraq. But Paul also has been trying to show the Republican establishment that his overall approach to foreign affairs is not out of the mainstream, and his tough rhetoric in the National Review op-ed could be seen as another overture...[A]s he has taken steps toward a possible 2016 presidential bid, he has also upped his outreach to establishment figures over foreign policy issues...
And to do so via National Review should be doubly disturbing to pure libertarians.


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