Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Animal Activist Claims to Have Vandalized a Berkeley Grocery Store

Note well: Not everyone respects property rights and accepts the notion that man rules the planet. Although it does sound as though the  “veganarchist lone wolf” described below would like to rule the world.

Animal rights activists are taking responsibility for smashing the windows of Star Grocery, a well-known family-run store in Berkeley’s Claremont neighborhood that prides itself on selling high-quality meat, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

In a posting on the “Direct Action” section of the website of Bite Back, an animal rights group in Florida, someone posted a picture of the broken windows at the store.

Someone describing himself or herself as “veganarchist lone wolf” wrote, “On the night of (the) 26th two windows were smashed at Star Meats in Berkeley CA, a butcher shop that boasts about its organic and locally sourced meat. Cage free, organic, murder is murder and death is death. This is a continuation of last years actions in which windows were smashed out of Waylands Meat Market in Oakland and windows smashed in an East Oakland Burger King.”

1 comment:

  1. "veganarchist lone wolf?" Is not vegan a contradiction of wolf?
