Friday, September 26, 2014

First Islamic Juiced-Up Lone Wolf Beheading in the U.S.

...and as would be expected [SEE:Assessing the Terrorist Risk to America (And What Americans Really Need to Fear) ], there were no government security theater actors around to prevent the insanity.

NyPo has the horrific details:
A disgruntled, fired factory worker — who had tried to convert his colleagues to Islam — used a 10-inch work knife to stab and behead a female employee, law enforcement sources told The Post on Friday.
The FBI is investigating Thursday’s brutal murder at Vaughan Foods in the Oklahoma town of Moore due to the nature of the attack, which comes on the heels of recently released ISIS beheading videos.
Alton Nolen, 30, had been fired from the food distribution company early Thursday and drove back to the plant around 4 p.m., according to sources.
He barged in and attacked the first person he saw — 54-year-old Colleen Hufford — stabbing her in the back and cutting her head off with a knife he had used while working at the plant.


  1. The Washington Post has dutifully put this story on page 1 of their website. A control-F on "Segarra" on that page returns zero hits. Going to the New York Times page 1 website, the control-F on "Segarra" gets zero hits, while "ISIS" gets 8 matches, and "behead" gets 3

  2. I expect we will now go to war against Oklahoma.

  3. To paraphrase Obama- the government built that. The government made it happen.

    Security is for all practical purposes exclusively provided by government. In addition, government- specifically the Federal Government via foreign policy- affects the security landscape significantly.

    Because there can be no real accountability, and no other option to choose from other than more or different governmental approaches, the failure of governments to provide security has no solution. Ending the government monopoly on security and eliminating foreign policy would allow firms to compete to provide the best service, and would (as always) yield better results for far less money.
