Monday, September 22, 2014

‘Flood Wall Street’ Protesters Will Try to Shut Down the New York Stock Exchange

Green activists plan to try to shut down the New York Stock Exchange today as part of a “Flood Wall Street” movement.

The group will be dressed in blue and meet at 9 a.m. in the Battery Park section of lower Manhattan  to listen to speakers, including Climate Justice Alliance activists, Naomi Klein, Rebecca Solnit, and Chris Hedges. At noon they plan to execute a mass sit-in on the steps of the NYSE.

According to the CJA web site, the Climate Justice Alliance is "rooted in Indigenous, African American, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander, and working-class white communities throughout the U.S."

Members of the group include, such lefty interventionist organizations as the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program, Jobs With Justice, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Labor Network for Sustainability and the US Food Sovereignty Alliance.

CJA is funded by the, which is partially financed by George Soros, by the New Economy Coalition, where former managing director at Soros Fund Management was a featured speaker, by the Student Divestment Network and the Responsible Endowment Coalition.

It is unlikely that most of the people involved in these organizations know why fog forms in San Francisco, much less have an understanding of the complex nature of the global climate. But, hey, who needs knowledge, when you can scream and chant?

The protesters will carry a 300-foot banner that says “Capitalism = Climate Chaos. Flood Wall Street.”

I am sure it is all by coincidence that Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will deliver remarks on the economic costs of climate change at an event hosted by The Hamilton Project at Brookings, today.

Lew is, of course, another climate genius.

But, bottom line, the climate scare crowd is very much driven by Soros. Soros, through various funds, has invested in green companies including , in the past, scandal ridden U.S. solar panel maker First Solar Inc  and Chinese solar company JA Solar, according to SEC filings.

Besides spending billions to fund left-wing, radical environmental groups, Soros has previously announced his plan to invest $1 billion in clean energy (climate change), and formed and financed ($10 million a year for 10 years) an “advisory group’ called Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), which states they are “an independent, not-for-profit organization with long-term support from financier and philanthropist George Soros.”

FrontPage aptly sums up what Soros is up to:
At a certain point, Soros stopped reacting to situations and began instigating them...“If I abstain from certain actions because of moral scruples then I cease to be an effective speculator,” Soros told the London Guardian.
On 60 Minutes, he once said:
I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do...I don’t feel guilty because I am engaged in an amoral activity which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt, 


1 comment:

  1. Can you say special interest boys and girls? I know that you can!
