Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Los Angeles Mayor Proposes $13.25 an Hour Minimum Wage

More progress in the attempt to keep Urban Primitives, primitive.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is proposing to increase the city's minimum wage to $13.25 per hour.

He will ask the City Council to lift the prevailing $9 minimum to $10.25 next year, then phase-in $1.50 annual raises over the following two years, according to his office.

Garcetti is idiotically calling it an anti-poverty program.

“Today, we launch the biggest anti-poverty program in L.A. history,” Garcetti said yesterday in a Facebook post. “We are going to raise the minimum wage.”

What it will do, for sure, is prevent those with the lowest productivity to find jobs. If the marginal revenue productivity of a worker is $9.00, he is not going to end up with a job if the minimum wage is $13.25.

1 comment:

  1. When I was growing up it was very common for friends and relatives to be working part time at McDonald's while going to highschool. Now I never see any white American kids working at places like McDonald's. Does that have something to do with the whole minimum wage thing or are there other reasons?
