Thursday, October 23, 2014

Biggest Spenders on Lobbying

Politico ranks the top spenders on lobbyists in Washington D.C: during the third quarter of 2014

 U.S. Chamber ($28.4 million)

 National Association of Realtors ($18 million)

U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform ($9.1 million)

General Electric ($5.3 million); Boeing ($4.4 million)

CVS Health ($4.3 million)

NAM ($4.3 million)

American Hospital Association ($4.3 million)

American Medical Association ($4.2 million)

Comcast Corporation ($4.2 million)

Koch Companies Public Sector ($4 million)

The National Association of Broadcasters ($4 million)

Google ($4 million)

National Cable and Telecommunications Association ($3.8 million)

PhRMA ($3.7 million)

United Technologies ($3.6 million)

Lockheed Martin ($3.4 million)

AT&T Services ($3.5 million)

American Chemistry Council ($3.2 million)

Occidental Petroleum ($3.2 million)

1 comment:

  1. Question: How much does the Executive Branch of the Federal Government (including the federal employee unions) spend on lobbying Congress and Agencies?
    Answer: Your guess is as good as anyone's. The myriad of line items does not include the salary of executives that lobby as ancillary duties, the cooperation with Hollywood for message placement, the value of the President's endorsement, etc. I am pushing 70 from the other side so I do not have time to follow the money.
