Wednesday, October 22, 2014

OFF THE WALL: Keith Alexander Was Day Trading in Chinese Metals Firms While He was NSA Chief

Foreign Policy magazine reports:

At the same time that he was running the United States' biggest intelligence-gathering organization, former National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander owned and sold shares in commodities linked to China and Russia, two countries that the NSA was spying on heavily.

At the time, Alexander was a three-star general whose financial portfolio otherwise consisted almost entirely of run-of-the-mill mutual funds and a handful of technology stocks. Why he was engaged in commodities trades, including trades in one market that experts describe as being run by an opaque "cartel" that can befuddle even experienced professionals, remains unclear. When contacted, Alexander had no comment about his financial transactions, which are documented in recently released financial disclosure forms that he was required to file while in government. The NSA also had no comment.


  1. He heard about that guy who made a fortune shorting airline companies, maybe?

  2. Hmmmm.... do you think Absolute Power = Absolute Corruption???
    Just maybe??

  3. The more time passes the more ludicrous it seems that Bernie Madoff is in jail.

  4. Gee, these flag-rankers (generals and admirals) sure have a lot of free time on their hands. One (USMC General Allen) sends a woman (not his wife) thousands of e-mails while he is running the war in Afghanistan while another is sitting on his Star Trek command chair playing like the e-Trade baby. Hilarious, and what a waste of our money.
